[HISTORY: Adopted by the Village Board of the Village of Wrightstown as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 10-5-1976 by Ord. No. 1-76 as Ch. 4 of the 1976 Code]
The Police Department shall consist of the Chief of Police and such police officers as the Village Board may prescribe by ordinance or resolution.
The Chief and the police officers shall receive a salary as fixed by the Village Board and shall not be entitled to any other compensation. All fees, bail deposits and other special remuneration or funds collected or received by the Department or any officers thereof shall be deposited with the Clerk-Treasurer not less than monthly.
The Chief of Police may be removed at any time for cause by a majority vote of the members of the Village Board. Other members of the Police Department shall hold office subject to the power of the President to suspend or remove any officers at his or her pleasure, subject to appeal to the Village Board.
The Chief of Police shall possess the powers, enjoy the privileges and be subject to the liabilities conferred and imposed by law upon marshals and constables.
He or she shall obey all lawful written orders of the President and the Board.
He or she shall cause the public peace to be preserved and see that all laws and ordinances of the village and state are enforced, and whenever any violation thereof shall come to his or her knowledge, he or she shall cause the requisite complaint to be made and see that the evidence is procured for the successful prosecution of the offender or offenders.
He or she shall exercise supervisory control over all the personnel of his or her Department and may adopt, subject to the approval of the Board, rules and regulations for the government, discipline, equipment and uniforms of police officers.
He or she shall be solely responsible for the care and condition of the equipment used by his or her Department.
He or she shall keep an accurate and complete record of all complaints, arrests, traffic violations, convictions and dispositions of the Department.
General powers and duties. Each officer of the Department shall possess the powers conferred on marshals and constables by law, shall preserve the public peace and enforce the laws and ordinances of the state and village subject to the orders, rules and regulations of the Chief, the President and the Board.
Power of arrest. The Chief of Police and any police officer shall arrest all persons in the village found in the act of violating any law or ordinance of the village or state or aiding or abetting in such violation, and they shall arrest without warrant all persons whom they have reasonable grounds to believe have violated any law or ordinance and who will not be apprehended unless immediately arrested, shall take all arrested persons in charge and confine them and shall within a reasonable time bring such persons before the court having jurisdiction thereof to be dealt with according to law.
Wearing badge. Every officer of the department shall, when on duty, wear his or her badge of office upon his or her left breast or conspicuously displayed.
[Amended 11-30-1999 by Ord. No. 113099B]
The President and the Trustees shall have and exercise the powers of peace officers and may summarily suppress any riotous or disorderly conduct in the streets or public places of the village.
The Department shall calibrate its police car speedometers every 60 days and shall keep official records of such calibrations.
Any person who shall violate any provision of this article shall be subject to a penalty as provided in Chapter 1, General Provisions, § 1-18.
[Adopted 2-19-2007 by Res. No. 02192007A]
The Village Board of the Village of Wrightstown hereby approves of the deputization of the Village of Wrightstown police officers by the Brown County Sheriff, and the Village accepts all liability for acts of these officers performed pursuant to their deputization, including workers' compensation, unless mutual aid has been requested and is being utilized.