Prior to receiving a permit and, in any event, no later than 60 days prior to the scheduled date of the mass gathering, the operator shall furnish to the Board of Selectmen a certificate of insurance issued by an insurance company licensed in the State of Maine providing liability coverage in the amount of at least $200,000 with respect to the injury or death of one or more persons in connection with the mass gathering. Such insurance policy shall also provide coverage for property damage in the amount of at least $50,000. The insurance policy in question shall contain a provision requiring that at least 10 days' notice be given to the Board of Selectmen prior to cancellation.
The operator of the mass gathering shall provide a cash deposit to the Town, which amount shall be determined by the Board of Selectmen, and will be deposited in an interest-bearing account. The purpose of the account shall be to allow the Town to pay costs related to protecting the public health and safety. Any interest earned and any remaining balance in this account shall be returned to the applicant following completion of the mass gathering, and cleanup by the applicant of the area used for this mass gathering, compliance by the applicant with any applicable state or local law or regulation, and payment by the applicant of all proper claims against the applicant for damage to real or personal property in the municipality for which the permit is issued and arising out of facts done or omitted to be done by the applicant, his agents or employees. A permit shall not be issued until receipt of said deposit.
Town costs shall be those incurred by the Town in connection with the mass gathering, which relate to any adverse consequences due to the mass gathering, and which would not have been incurred by the Town if such mass gathering were not held. Such costs shall include but not be restricted to damage to road signs, Town roads or ditches, or any other adverse consequences to any public facilities or works, such as the municipal water supply. Town costs shall also include the cost of hiring a constable or constables to oversee the Town's interests in ensuring the public safety and enforcing the conditions of this chapter.
Within 30 days after the mass gathering, the Town costs shall be calculated, and the deposit shall be refunded to the operator to the extent it exceeds the actual Town costs. If the actual Town costs exceed the amount deposited, the operator shall pay the excess to the Town within 10 days after being so notified.