[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Madison 7-28-1980. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Madison Board of Selectmen hereby establishes the following criteria for consideration of warning sign requests by the general public.
All requests for warning signs shall be made to either the Road Commissioner, Chief of Police or Town Manager.
Persons desiring the installation of warning signs shall be required to pay the full cost of the signs in advance of installment or order if the signs are not in stock.
The Town will not charge for labor involved for installation of signs.
The Town Manager shall determine if there is sufficient grounds for erecting the requested signs and shall notify the person making the request in writing of his or her findings.
Any person may appeal the findings and decision of the Town Manager provided they file a request for appeal in writing within 30 days of receipt of notice by them of the Manager's decision. The Town Manager shall be required to notify the petitioner in writing of the appeal rights outlined in this section.
Upon receipt of a written request for an appeal, the Manager shall place the matter before the Madison Board of Selectmen for hearing at its next regular meeting, provided there is sufficient time to give the public three days' notice of the meeting. The Selectmen may either overturn or affirm the Manager's decision. Board action shall be final with regard to exhausting administrative appeals.