There are two types of meetings other than public hearings. The meetings consist of regular monthly meetings and special meetings. The latter are held to transact business or to permit the Commission to develop rules or procedures for the administration of the district with respect to establishing new guidelines for architectural renovations, or discuss any function or topic allowed or required by local ordinance or the Connecticut General Statutes. All Meetings are open to the public, except when in closed session. The State Freedom of Information Act outlines procedures to follow.
Regular meetings shall be held monthly when necessary.
Special meetings shall be on an as needed basis. Meeting notices shall be posted with the Borough Clerk at least 24 hours prior, stating time, place, and business to be transacted. No other business except that posted on the notice shall be considered at special meetings. The Chairperson, or majority of sitting members may, when deemed expedient or necessary, call a special meeting for the purpose for transacting any business designated in the call.
Frequency. Public hearings shall be held:
Upon receipt of an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness.
To conduct such business as outlined in the State Statutes governing historic districts.
At the discretion of the Commission when significant concerns or questions arise relating to the administration of the district.
To adopt or revise the Rules and Procedures of the Commission.
To adopt new properties into the Historic District.
Public hearings for certificate of appropriateness.
A public hearing shall be held upon each application for a Certificate of Appropriateness, unless the Commission determines that such application involves items not subject to approval by the Commission.
The Commission shall fix a reasonable time and place for such hearing.
Conduct of public hearings involving certificate of appropriateness. Any applicant may appear in person, or be represented by an agent, or by attorney at the hearing.
All Commission meetings shall be open to the public and conducted in accordance with the State Freedom of Information Act, Connecticut General Statutes, Section 1-7 et seq.
A majority of the voting membership of the Commission (three) shall constitute a quorum, and the number of votes necessary to transact business shall be a majority of the members of the Commission present.
The voting on all questions coming before the Commission shall be by voice vote of the members.
The order of business at meetings shall be:
Call to order, appointment of alternates or Chairperson pro tem, if necessary, and rolls calls.
Conduct public hearing, if applicable.
Approval of minutes of preceding meeting.
Unfinished business.
New business.
The order of business at a public hearing portion of the meeting for a Certificate of Appropriateness shall be:
The Chairperson shall give a statement of the application.
The applicant shall give a detailed description of the application as well as present any supporting evidence such as blueprints, drawings, specifications as to materials, etc.
Upon completion of the presentation, the Commission shall have the opportunity to question the applicant.
After questions by the Commission, the Chairperson shall ask for supporting testimony or comments of interested parties.
The Commission shall then have the opportunity to question those in support of the application.
Upon the close of hearing supporting comments, the Chairperson shall ask for comments by those in opposition to the application.
The Commission shall then have the opportunity to question those in opposition to the application.
The Commission may allow for responses by the applicant to the comments of the opponents of the application.
To maintain an orderly process, each side shall proceed without interruption by the other. Each individual authorized to speak shall give his name and address prior to commenting on a particular issue.
The Commission may amend, adopt and conduct the order of the meeting business as it deems fair and reasonable.
The Commission may conduct its hearings and meetings in any manner authorized by law, including the actual viewing of the property at issue.
The proceedings for each application, in addition to minutes taken by the Clerk/Secretary, may be recorded by a sound recording device.
Additional material or correspondence presented to the Commission during the course of the hearing shall be recorded in an orderly manner and retained as potential evidence.