The Council will meet twice a month at regular dates decided
upon by the Legislative Council at its first meeting following election
unless canceled by the Chair due to lack of agenda items. The Chair
may schedule special meetings as needed.
The Council desires to allow as much voter participation as
is possible, consistent with the Council carrying out its own responsibilities
to deliberate and act, believing that voter participation should generate
information and opinions, while arguments and debates shall be presented
for Council deliberation. The rules set forth below are intentionally
broad in the hope that the voters' sense of responsibility, rather
than the rules, will be the limiting factor in allowing the Council
to achieve a balance between the voters' contribution and its
own responsibilities.
A. Within the limits established herein and by the Newtown Charter,
any person eligible to vote at a Town Meeting of the Town of Newtown
may speak at any regular or special meeting on items on the agenda
during the first voter comment and on any item they wish during the
second voter comment. Participants will limit their comments to three
minutes in length, unless, at the discretion of the Chair, allowed
to speak longer. The length of time of the Voter Participation Comment
periods may extend to 30 minutes where voters shall desire to speak
for the first time. The Chair, at his/her discretion, may extend the
Voter participation Comment period beyond 30 minutes.
B. Each voter wishing to speak shall ask the Chair to be recognized.
Upon being recognized, each voter shall state his/her name and address
and the item he or she will address. No voter shall be allowed to
speak for a second time until all the voters wishing to speak have
been heard once.
C. The rules set forth under this §
355-6 shall apply to Council meetings only and shall not be a limitation upon the method of conducting public hearings.
It shall be the duty of every Council member present to vote
affirmatively or negatively on each question raised unless that member
feels that he has an actual or possible conflict of interest that
prevents him from acting. Unless the vote is unanimous, the "yeas"
and "nays" of each member shall be recorded by the Clerk. Members
who cannot physically attend a meeting but are able to participate
in an agenda item discussion in its entirety, and hear and can be
heard by all, may participate and vote by telephone or other electronic
means that allows two-way communication.
After all agenda items of a regular meeting have been completed,
matters not on the Agenda may be raised by members of the Council
and discussed, but no action shall be taken by the Council on any
such item except pursuant to the rules set forth in the Newtown Charter.
Except as otherwise specifically, provided by these rules, all
meetings shall be conducted in conformity with the latest version
of Robert's Rules of Order. It shall be the responsibility of the
Chair to have a copy of Roberts Rules available for each meeting.
These rules may be amended at any meeting by majority of at
least nine affirmative votes, provided that no proposed amendment
may be acted upon at a meeting unless it has first appeared on the
Agenda for discussion and is openly read by the Clerk at a prior meeting
of the Council, and unless it appears again on the Agenda for the
meeting of the Council at which action is to be taken. All Council
members shall receive a written copy of the proposed amendment prior
to the vote.
The rules shall not be suspended at any meeting of the Council
except upon a two-thirds vote of those present, and the motion to
do so shall state specifically what rule is proposed to be suspended
and for what purpose, and the question shall be decided without debate
or amendment.
Pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, radio,
recording, television, or photographic equipment may be so located
within the meeting room so as to permit the recording, broadcasting,
or photographing of the proceedings. The recorder, broadcaster, or
photographer shall be required to handle the recording, broadcasting
or photographing in as inconspicuous a manner as possible and in such
a manner as not to disturb the proceedings. Therefore:
A. Microphones must be located in a single location prior to the meeting
and may not be moved within the seating area of the Council without
the permission of the Chairman. Cameras may be used outside of the
seating area of the Council.
B. During meetings, reporters and other persons of the media and public
must remain outside the seating area of the Council and may not converse
in private with members of the Council during the meeting.