[Added 4-11-2006 by Ord. No. 422]
The Town Council may from time to time authorize, by resolution, the installation of parking meters in those places in the Town as the Council may deem necessary. Contracts for these meters shall be so constructed as to allow for the payment of meters from meter revenue and not from other Town sources.
It shall be unlawful for the owner or operator of any motor or other vehicle to park that vehicle in violation of meter regulations between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., except on Sundays and Town-observed holidays, on the streets designated as parking meter zones.
On streets or in municipal parking lots designated as meter zones, the proper officers shall designate parking spaces on the curb or pavements or by other appropriate means and in each space so marked shall erect or cause to be erected a parking meter which, upon the deposit of a coin or combination of coins of the United States indicated on the parking meter, will entitle the party to park his or her car for a limited time as is indicated on the parking meter, but in any event no longer than the period of time provided in this article.
A person parking a vehicle in a metered parking space during the time of limited parking shall deposit a coin or coins sufficient to pay for the amount of time he or she intends to use the parking space. Parking rates and maximum parking time limits shall be set from time to time by the Council. If the vehicle shall remain parked in any parking space for any length of time so that the meter shall indicate by a proper signal that the lawful parking period has expired, the vehicle and its operator shall be considered as parking overtime, and the parking of a vehicle overtime shall be a violation of this article.
Any violation of this article shall be a municipal infraction subject to enforcement as described in § 127-6.