If an historic resource has been designated as an historic district by resolution of the Princess Anne Commissioners and the HDC finds that demolition of the resource by neglect should be prevented, the HDC shall notify, in writing, the owner(s) of record of the property, any person having any right, title or interest therein and the occupant or other person responsible for the maintenance of the property of the deterioration. The notice shall specify the minimum items of repair or maintenance necessary to correct or prevent further deterioration.
Such notice shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to said owner or other responsible person at the last known address or the address shown on the real property tax records in the Princess Anne Town Office. Such notice, when so addressed and deposited with the postal service with proper postage prepaid, shall be deemed complete and sufficient. In the event that such notice is returned by the postal authorities, the HDC shall cause a copy of the notice to be personally served by the authorized representative upon the owner(s) of record of the property, any person having any right, title or interest therein and the occupant or other person responsible for the maintenance of the property or upon any agent of the owner(s) thereof. In the event that personal service cannot be accomplished as aforesaid, after reasonable efforts, notice shall be accomplished by posting a public notice on the property.
The notice shall provide that corrective action shall commence within 30 days or less of the receipt or posting of said notice, unless an extension is granted by this Commission, and shall be completed within a reasonable period of time. The notice shall state that the owner(s) of record of the subject property, or any persons having any right, title or interest therein, may, within 10 days, request a hearing on the necessity of preventing demolition by neglect. If no request for hearing is received within this time period, the notice shall become final.
In the event that a public hearing is requested, it shall be held by the HDC upon 30 days' written notice mailed to the owner(s) of record, all persons having any right, title or interest in the subject property, the occupant or other person(s) responsible for the maintenance of the property and all citizens and organizations which the HDC reasonably finds may have an interest in the proceedings.
The HDC shall not require structures of little historical or design significance within an historic district to be preserved unless demolition would seriously impair the character of the historic district. After the public hearing on the issue of the necessity of preventing demolition by neglect, if the HDC still finds that demolition should be prevented, it shall instruct the HDC Chairperson to issue a final notice to be mailed to the owner(s) of record, all persons having any right, title or interest in the subject property and the occupant or other person(s) responsible for the maintenance of the property, in the manner prescribed in § 88-18B, stating the items of repair and maintenance necessary to correct or prevent further deterioration, except as provided in § 88-20.
The property owner(s) or other responsible persons shall institute corrective action to comply with the final notice within 30 days of receipt of the revised notice, unless an extension is granted by the HDC.
In the event that the HDC finds that, notwithstanding the necessity for preventing demolition by neglect, the action provided for in § 88-19C would impose a substantial undue hardship on the owner(s) of record of the subject property, the HDC shall seek alternative methods to preserve the historic resource. If none are confirmed within 180 days, the HDC shall not proceed in accordance with § 88-19B but shall issue the permit. However, the HDC shall be permitted to make measured drawings and photographs or on-site documentation by some other method within a mutually agreeable period of time.
Upon the failure, neglect or refusal of the property owner(s) or other responsible person duly notified to take the corrective action specified in the final notice, the HDC may, upon authorization in writing by the Town Manager, institute, perform and complete the necessary remedial work to prevent further demolition by neglect and to defray the costs thereof as hereinafter provided.
The Town Manager shall authorize remedial work only in instances when said work shall not cause undue constraints upon the Town's budget.
When the Town has completed the necessary remedial work to prevent further demolition by neglect or has paid for its completion, the actual costs thereof, if not paid by the property owner(s) or other responsible person(s) prior thereto, shall be charged to the owner(s) of record of such property on the next regular tax bill forwarded to such owner, and said charge shall be due and payable by said owner(s) at the time of payment of the tax bill.
When the full amount due the Town is not paid by the property owner(s) when due, the HDC shall cause to be recorded in the office of the Town of Princess Anne a sworn statement showing the cost and expense incurred for the work, the date(s) upon which the work was done and the location of the property on which the work was done. Such notice shall result in a tax lien being placed against the affected property which shall be collected in the same manner as the Town taxes on such real property.