As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Every vehicle, except streetcars, motorbuses, limousines and motor vehicles commonly called "jitneys," operated by authority of any ordinance, law or permit, which is used or to be used for the common carriage and conveyance of persons for hire from any place within the Village of Norwood to any other place.
A mechanical instrument or device attached to a taxicab which measures mechanically the distances driven and the waiting time upon which the fare is based, attached to a taxi light indicating occupancy.
[Amended 12-19-2006 by L.L. No. 1-2006]
The time when a taxicab is not in motion from the time of acceptance of a passenger or passengers to the time of discharge, and shall be charged for as registered by the meter. Waiting time does not include any time that the taxicab is not in motion, if due to any cause other than the request, act or fault of a passenger or passengers. When there is any obstruction to the taxicab proceeding to its destination expeditiously or any undue delay is occasioned, such as caused by a bridge opening, parade, accident or other extraordinary happenings, the operator shall cause the taximeter to be put on a nonrecord position until such obstacle is removed or such delay ends. Waiting time specifically includes delays due to heavy traffic flow.
The licensing, inspection and control of taxicabs and the owners and operators thereof, the examination of applicants for licenses to operate such taxicabs and the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter shall be vested in the Mayor and the Board of Trustees.
The Mayor and Board of Trustees may promulgate reasonable rules and regulations affecting the operation, use of and inspection of taxicabs not inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter. Said rules and regulations shall be filed with the Village Clerk and shall only be effective upon approval by the Board of Trustees.
The Board of Trustees shall hear all appeals taken from any action or decision of the Village Clerk and/or the Police Chief.
Any person who violates any provision of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not exceeding $250 or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding 15 days, or both.
In addition to the penalty provided in Subsection A of this section, the Mayor and/or the Board of Trustees may suspend or revoke any license issued under this chapter.