Construction and improvements installation, inspection and approval of all streets and roads submitted in accordance with Article VI of this chapter shall be as follows:
Construction responsibility. In all cases the applicant shall be responsible for the proper construction and installation of improvements of all proposed streets and roads subject to the inspection of the construction and improvements installation by the Township Roadmaster, the Township Engineer and/or the Township Planning Commission consultant and in the manner specified in Article V of this chapter.
Notification of construction. The applicant shall be required to notify the Township at least two days prior to the starting of any construction and shall keep the Township apprised of the progress of the construction by also notifying the Township prior to the start of the various stages of construction, including placing of embankments, placing of stone base material and macadam surfacing of the travelway of any portion of the proposed street or road in order to afford an opportunity for the Township to inspect the work prior to and during the construction process.
Improper or poor construction and/or improvements installation. If the Township Roadmaster, the Township Engineer and/or the Township Planning Commission consultant determine by site inspections or other means that the street or road is not being constructed or improved in the manner and to the requirements of this chapter or according to the approved plans and the applicant does not take steps to rectify the items involved, the Township shall notify the applicant in writing, stating the problem and giving the applicant 15 days to resolve the items found defective or improper by the Township.
If at the end of the specified 15 days a site inspection determines that the noted items have not been corrected or the problems addressed by the applicant, the Township shall be relieved of any and all obligations to ordain or take over the street(s) or roads(s) as public thoroughfare(s).
If the applicant later corrects the specified items, he may inform the Township that the corrections have been made and request a reinspection of the involved items.
The applicant shall perform any and all tests and furnish any and all certifications the Township deems advisable or necessary in connection with the reinspection.
The request for a reinspection shall be in writing and shall be accompanied by the appropriate fee as set forth by the Board of Supervisors.
Method of approving street or road construction and improvement installation. The following procedures shall be followed by the applicant in requesting an inspection of any and all construction or improvements completed and by the Township in inspecting and approving or disapproving such requests:
Partial construction or improvements approval. The applicant may request, from time to time as work progresses, the approval of such portion of the street or road construction and/or improvements as may be completed or as required by this chapter.
All such requests shall be in writing addressed to the Board of Supervisors.
The Board of Supervisors shall within five days of receiving such request direct and authorize the Township Roadmaster, the Township Engineer and/or the Township Planning Commission consultant to inspect the portion of the street or road as requested.
If the Township should find the submitted construction and/or improvements not completed or not completed as required by the approved plans or by this chapter, it shall notify the applicant of the deficiencies found.
The notification of deficiencies shall set forth the items found not complete or unsatisfactorily installed.
The notification of deficiencies shall be forwarded to the applicant within 30 days from the date the inspection request was received. If the Township fails to act and notify the applicant of any and all deficiencies, the submitted portion of the street or road shall be deemed approved.
Final approval of a completed street or road. When the applicant has completed the street or road construction and/or improvements installation, he shall notify the Township and request an inspection of the completed street or road.
All such requests shall be in writing addressed to the Township Board of Supervisors.
The Board of Supervisors shall, within 15 days of receipt of such request, direct and authorize the Township Roadmaster, the Township Engineer and/or the Township Planning Commission consultant to inspect the street or road.
When the inspection is made by the Township Roadmaster, he shall report directly to the Board of Supervisors at a public meeting with his report being made part of the minutes of the meeting.
When the inspection is made by the Township Engineer and/or the Township Planning Commission consultant, he shall thereupon file a report, in writing, with the Board of Supervisors.
The inspection shall be made and the report filed within 30 days after receipt of the aforesaid authorization from the Township and shall indicate the final status and condition of all construction and/or improvements.
If the street or road or any portion thereof is found unsatisfactory, the report shall contain by reference to the section or sections of this chapter or by reference to the approved plans a statement of reasons for such findings.
The Board of Supervisors shall act upon the report of the Township Roadmaster, the Township Engineer and/or the Township Planning Commission consultant and shall notify the applicant of its action within 60 days after the applicant's official letter of notification to the Board of Supervisors of his completion of the street or road.
Testing for depth of the finished base course of a street or road prior to placement of the pavement. The depth of the finished base course shall be determined, when required by the Township, by cutting or digging holes to the full depth of the completed base course.
One depth measurement shall be made for each quarter mile of roadway, or less if so specified by the Township.
The depth measurement shall be made under the direct supervision of the Township Roadmaster, the Township Engineer and/or the Township Planning Commission consultant who shall check and record the measurements.
Any section in which the base is one inch or more deficient in specified depth shall be scarified to a depth of at least three inches, blended with the necessary additional material and then compacted to the required density and depth or otherwise satisfactorily corrected. When a section is determined to be deficient in the specified depth, test holes shall be dug or cut at fifty-foot intervals each direction to determine the extent of the deficiency.
Testing for depth of the finished pavement course. The depth of the finished pavement course shall be determined, when required by the Township, by coring or cutting holes to the full depth of the completed pavement.
One depth measurement shall be made for each 500 feet of roadway, or less if so specified by the Township.
The depth measurement shall be made by the contractor under the direct supervision of the Township Roadmaster, the Township Engineer and/or the Township Planning Commission consultant who shall check and record the measurements.
Any section in which the pavement is 1/4 inch or more deficient in specified depth shall be corrected by adding an additional one inch or more of pavement material to the deficient areas.