[HISTORY: Adopted by the Police Department of the Town of Marblehead as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[§§ 9-1 to 9-3 of the 1967 Code]
[Amended 5-2-2011 ATM by Art. 31]
Committee composition. In the event there is an opening for the position of Police Chief, the Select Board shall exercise its authority as the appointing authority and appoint the Police Chief based upon the recommendation of the Police Chief Screening Committee (the "Committee"). Such Committee shall be comprised of seven members appointed by the Select Board and representing the following municipal and/or community groups:
Town Administrator
School Department
Fire Department
Police Department
Council on Aging
Public Safety Professional
Recommendation timeframe.
The Committee shall advertise for the position of Police Chief through any medium deemed appropriate by the Committee, including but not limited to the Town's municipal website and at least one newspaper of wide circulation throughout the commonwealth.
Applicants shall have at least 45 days from the date of initial publication to submit applications to the Select Board.
At the close of the application period, the Select Board shall provide the Committee with all application response materials received.
Within 10 days following the close of the application period, the Committee shall meet in accordance with MGL c. 30A, § 21 to review all applications and determine by vote, the top five applicants.
Within 10 days following the vote, the Committee shall interview the top five applicants as determined by the Committee.
Within 10 days of the completion of all interviews, the Committee shall determine the top three applicants and confirm with the applicants that they are interested in moving forward in the selection process.
The Committee shall thereafter submit forthwith a written recommendation to the Select Board indicating the top three applicants.
Evaluation criteria. The Recommendation Committee shall evaluate the applicants using criteria including but not limited to the following:
Prior experience as a police officer
Prior experience as a police chief
Prior employment record
Recommendations (personal and professional)
Select Board process. Within 21 days of the receipt of the Committee's recommendation, the Select Board shall interview the candidates and conduct further review and investigation that the Board deems necessary and appropriate.
Candidate selection. The Select Board shall select a top candidate for the position of Police Chief. Within 10 days of the Board's vote, the Chair shall contact the top applicant and notify the candidate of the Board's selection. The top applicant shall have 48 hours to accept the position of Police Chief, subject to contract negotiations. Thereafter the Select Board and the selected candidate shall enter into contract negotiations and submit to any other applicable preliminary hiring requirements. In the event the top applicant does not accept the position of Police Chief within the forty-eight-hour acceptance period, the Chair of the Select Board shall contact the next ranked applicant and offer the applicant the position of Police Chief. In the event that all three top applicants refuse the position of Police Chief or the Board determines that none of the applicants meet the needs of the community at that time, then the Committee shall readvertise for the position of Police Chief and follow the process as noted in Subsection A(2) above.
Physical examination. Prior to commencement of employment, the newly appointed Police Chief must submit to a physical examination in accordance with § 106-1 of the Town's General Bylaws.
Term. The appointed Police Chief shall serve for three years subject to reappointment at the discretion of the Select Board.
Duties. The duties of the Police Chief shall be those established by the Select Board from time to time.
Employment contract. The Select Board shall prepare an employment contract with the Police Chief covering the terms and conditions of the Chief's employment.
Noneligibility. No member of the Select Board shall be eligible for appointment to the position of Police Chief.
Applicability. This By-Law shall apply only to a Police Chief who is appointed subsequent to the time that the position of Police Chief is removed from civil service.
Effective date. This By-Law shall take effect if and when the General Court passes Special Legislation for the Town of Marblehead allowing the position of Police Chief to be exempted from the provision of civil service.[1]
Editor's Note: Chapter 181, Acts of 2011, approved 11-3-2011, exempts the position of Police Chief in the Town of Marblehead from the civil service law.
The Select Board shall make such rules and regulations for the discipline and government of the Police Department as they may deem necessary.
It shall be the duty of the members of the police force to immediately make a careful examination of every case of accident, or injury to property, coming within their notice, in which the Town might be liable, secure the names of all witnesses thereto and make report thereof to the Chief of Police, who shall report forthwith to the Select Board.
[Adopted 5-4-1992 ATM by Art. 9]
In accordance with the authority and subject to the provisions of Chapter 366 of the 1991 Acts and Resolves of the General Court, a Department of Public Works is hereby created under the Select Board.
[Amended 5-1-2023 ATM by Art. 41]
Said Department shall be comprised of the Highway Department, the Surface Drain Construction Department, and the Tree Department.