[HISTORY: Chapter 22 of the 1967 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The following By-Law be and hereby is adopted for the licensing and regulation of pawnbrokers.
The Select Board may license suitable persons to carry on the business of pawnbrokers in this Town, subject to the laws of the commonwealth, and may revoke such licenses at pleasure. All licenses shall continue in force until the first day of May following the granting of said license.
Whenever such a license is revoked, the Town Clerk shall note the revocation upon the face of the record thereof and shall give written notice to the pawnbroker in person or leave it at the place of business designated in the license.
Every such license shall be signed by the Town Clerk, and shall be recorded by the Clerk in a book kept for that purpose before being delivered to the licensee; such license shall set forth the name of the person licensed, the nature of the business, and the building or place in which it is to be carried on.
No license shall be valid to protect the holder thereof in a building or place other than designated in the license, unless consent to removal is granted by the Select Board.
The fee for any license or renewal thereof granted hereunder shall be $50, but if a license is issued on or after November first in any year, the fee shall be $25. The licensee shall, at the time of receiving a license, file with the Town Clerk a bond, as required by law.
Every person licensed to carry on said business shall keep a book at said person's place of business, in which said person shall, at the time of making a loan, enter in the English language a minute description of every article purchased or taken in pawn at the time of receiving it, particularly describing any prominent or descriptive marks, and the name, age (when there can be a reasonable doubt as to whether the person is a minor or not) and residence (giving the street and number, if possible) of the person from whom and the day and hour when the pawnbroker purchased it, and the amount paid therefor or loaned thereon, and the number of the pawn ticket.
No pawnbroker shall, directly or indirectly, receive any article in pawn of any minor knowing or having reasonable cause to believe the person to be such; and no article received in pawn shall be sold until the expiration of the time and in the manner provided by statute. Every pawnbroker licensed as aforesaid shall make out and deliver at the office of the Chief of Police each day before the hour of 12:00 noon a legible and true copy of all entries made during the 24 hours ending at 8:00 a.m. of the same day, in the record book required to be kept by § 115-5 of this chapter.