[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Sands Point 10-22-1990 by L.L. No. 8-1990; amended in its entirety 8-27-2024 by L.L. No. 14-2024. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
The following terms shall have the meanings as defined in § 1-100 of the Village Code: BZA, Catch Basin, Owner, Planning Board, Private Road, Private Street, Storm Drain, Stormwater Detention Basin, Stormwater Recharge Basin, Storm Sewer, Village, Village Board, Village Code.
Site development has impacts on the land's ability to absorb water, regional and site hydrology, natural resources, the natural hydrologic regime, drainage patterns, and surface water flow conditions. Stormwater runoff may cause erosion and may increase flooding. Stormwater runoff may also cause excess pollution by transporting sediment, chemicals, nutrients, pesticides, metals, bacteria, debris, and trash to property and waterways located downstream. The Village Board finds that establishing drainage regulations in Chapter 74, and in Chapter 139 for any project that results in land disturbance equal or greater than one acre, are in the best interest of the health, safety, and welfare of the Village and its residents.
No Owner may permit to exist the concentrated flow of water on their property, or alter the natural flow of water to create concentrated flow on their property that would divert it to another property or onto a public road or street, a Private Road, or Private Street, unless it is part of a drainage conveyance system in conformance with the provisions of this chapter, and where applicable, Chapter 139 of the Village Code.
No person shall, without a permit from the Village, discharge or drain water from a swimming pool. All water from a swimming pool must be discharged to a subsurface disposal structure which has capacity for 1/3 the total pool water volume. In no event will a person be permitted to drain a swimming pool onto the property of others, including onto public or private roads or streets.
A drainage plan is required for all applications for subdivision, site plan approval, or for any application that includes filling, excavating, grading, altering, or the developing of land within the Village that requires approval from the BZA based on an application for a variance, fill permit, site plan approval, Sports Court, or for any other application as required by the Superintendent of the Building Department or the Village Engineer.
Design considerations. Drainage plans shall consider the following as part of the design of the project:
Avoid stormwater runoff by reducing the amount of stormwater runoff by preserving natural features, including the reduction or minimization of land disturbance.
Reduce the impacts of stormwater runoff by decreasing or minimizing impervious coverage.
Manage the impacts of stormwater runoff by incorporating infiltration and green infrastructure techniques as part of the project design. Green infrastructure techniques include the use of bioswales, permeable pavements, rainwater collection or harvesting, planter boxes, rain gardens, native plants, and land conservation.
Design site drainage and potential overflow to be directed to Storm Drains, stormwater collection systems, and/or storage facilities to help minimize adverse impacts of runoff, during and after construction, on land, other properties, trees, waterways, water tables, aquifers, among other issues identified by the Village. The design of the site drainage system shall give due consideration to the potential overflow of the drainage system.
Drainage plan requirements. For applications for subdivision or site plan review approval, the storm drainage plan must include details of all existing and proposed stormwater structures and facilities. The drainage plan shall be prepared by an appropriate licensed professional in conformance with New York State approved design standards and include the following, as applicable:
Storm Sewer sizes, materials, gradients and invert elevations, and profiles.
Type and size of manholes.
Catch Basin types, size, and contributing areas.
Surface drainage structures, such as valley gutters, including grades and construction details.
Stormwater headwalls, including details.
Special structures, as designed for specific projects or applications.
Stormwater Recharge Basins or Stormwater Detention Basins.
Drainage plan design criteria. The following design criteria shall be used for storm drainage plan designs:
Runoff peak flow rates shall be calculated by using the rational method, TR-55, or an alternate engineering method acceptable by the Village Engineer.
Stormwater Catch Basins shall be placed no farther than 500 feet from each other on a continuous flow path.
Manholes shall be placed at a change of direction or change in slope and shall be at a maximum distance of 350 feet.
Stormwater pipes shall be in a straight line between structures.
Gutter flow shall be limited to that flow which does not exceed five inches in depth at the curb based on the tributary area, runoff factors, road grade, rainfall intensity, and system inlet capacity.
Stormwater structures and facilities which include, but are not limited to, Catch Basins, drywells, Storm Drains, Stormwater Detention Basins, Stormwater Recharge Basins, and Storm Sewers shall be designed with a capacity for five inches of runoff, given applicable tributary area and runoff factors. The Building Superintendent and/or the Village Engineer may require additional or less capacity based on site conditions, including site topography, steep slopes, or other conditions which warrant the protection of critical features such as flood-prone areas, proximity to waterways, public roads or streets, Private Roads, and Private Streets, adjacent property, and/or building foundations. Additional capacity may also be warranted based on circumstances determined by the Building Superintendent or Village Engineer.
Soil information must be provided, and soil must be ratable for a minimum depth of six feet below the bottom elevation of a leaching structure. All stormwater retention, detention, storage facilities, or structures shall be located at least two feet above the highest water table or more if other jurisdictions require a greater separation distance.
Site subsurface drainage structures shall not be closer than 25 feet to any property line and shall be constructed as to effect maximum recharge. If in the opinion of the Village Engineer or Building Superintendent soil or other conditions make compliance with this subsection ineffective, the Village may require additional or alternate provisions as will ensure that no water shall drain on Private Roads, Private Streets, or public streets or roads. If natural drainage affords the same results as intended by this chapter, the Village Engineer or Building Superintendent may permit same in lieu of an underground system. Such permission must be in writing, signed by the Building Superintendent. This subsection shall apply to any structure erected after the adoption of this chapter, and also to additions, replacements, or roof design alterations to any structure presently in existence, provided that such addition or alteration increases the amount of water or rate of flow of roof runoff. All such drainage systems shall be maintained by the owner at their expense and kept in operable condition.
Regarding driveway drainage systems, any driveway trench drain must be a minimum of 12 inches wide, and it and any structure that it is connected to shall be located entirely on the premises at a point which will have maximum effect in preventing water from draining onto Private Roads, Private Streets, or Village streets or roads. In the event any driveway flows toward a Village street or road, a Private Road, or a Private Street and the grade of such driveway shall exceed 6% or the length of any driveway shall exceed 100 feet, the design and plan for drainage on the premises shall provide for crowning the driveway and constructing a gutter and curb on each edge of the driveway, together with a dry well in each gutter, with Catch Basins on each side, located at a point and so constructed that it will have maximum effect in preventing water from draining on Private Roads, Private Streets, or Village streets or roads. If, in the opinion of the Village Engineer, soil or other conditions make compliance with this section ineffective, the Village may require such additional or alternate provisions as will ensure that no water shall drain on Private Roads, Private Streets, or Village streets or roads. This subsection shall apply to all driveways constructed after the adoption of this chapter. All such drainage systems shall be maintained by the owner at their expense and kept in operable condition.
Permits. No construction of any Stormwater Recharge Basin or Stormwater Detention Basin shall be commenced without obtaining a permit from the Village and obtaining the written permission of the Village to begin such work.
Fences. No excavation for a Stormwater Recharge Basin or Stormwater Detention Basin shall be made unless there is a permitted temporary construction fence or permanent fence built in accordance with the specifications of the Nassau County Department of Public Works or New York State code, whichever is applicable.
Safety. On and after the time of the commencement of the excavation for a Stormwater Recharge Basin or Stormwater Detention Basin, on the site of the Stormwater Recharge Basin or Stormwater Detention Basin and until such time as the Village or the County of Nassau shall have accepted title to the plot on which it is located, the Owner shall employ a watchman or guard or such number of them as shall be necessary to protect children against injury, who shall be maintained at such site at all times when work is being performed on the site. At all other times, the Owner shall keep all entrances or means of ingress or egress in the fence closed and securely locked.
Liability insurance. No permit shall be issued to commence work on such a Stormwater Recharge Basin or Stormwater Detention Basin unless there shall be filed in the Office of the Village Clerk by the Owner a public liability insurance policy insuring the Village and the Owner, covering the operation of such Owner and the construction of such Stormwater Recharge Basin or Stormwater Detention Basin, with limits of $1,000,000, such insurance to continue in force until the performance bond has been discharged, the form and manner of execution of such policy of insurance to bear the approval of the Village Attorney.
Pending and uncompleted construction. Subsections A, B, C, and D shall apply to all Stormwater Recharge Basins and Stormwater Detention Basins shown on plats for the subdivision of land which have been approved by the Planning Board prior to the effective date hereof, except that if the performance bond for the installation of the improvements have been discharged, only Subsection C shall continue in force and effect.
Wherever there shall exist at the time of the effective date of these regulations any excavations for a Stormwater Recharge Basin or Stormwater Detention Basin shown on a plat for the subdivision of land approved by the Planning Board, the following additional regulations shall apply:
The Owner shall file with the Village, within 15 days, the public liability insurance policy required in Subsection D.
No further excavation shall be made until the permit to resume work shall have been issued by the Village.
If the Stormwater Recharge Basin or Stormwater Detention Basin has not been completely surrounded by a fence and the performance bond furnished to the Village for the installation of the improvements has not been discharged, the Owner shall immediately:
Employ a watchman or guard or such number of them as shall be necessary to protect children against injury, who shall be maintained at such site from 7:00 a.m. to two hours after sundown daily until a fence completely surrounding such excavation shall have been erected and constructed in accordance with the specifications of the Nassau County Department of Public Works.
Proceed to install the fence required in Subsection B.
Where there is a violation of this chapter, the Village shall be authorized to issue an appearance ticket to an Owner that shall be returnable in Village Justice Court. Any Owner violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine not exceeding $15,000 for each violation, regardless of any convictions for prior violations. If the violation is of a continuing nature, each day during which any of these offenses occurs shall constitute an additional, separate, and distinct offense.
In addition to the issuance of an appearance ticket returnable in Village Justice Court, the Village may cause a separate notice of violation to be issued to an Owner. Said notice shall be in writing and served personally or by certified mail or by nationally recognized courier that can provide proof of delivery. The notice shall:
Inform the Owner that there is a violation of this chapter.
Specify the reason for the violation.
Inform the Owner that should they disagree with the conclusion of the Village as to the violation, they shall have seven days from receipt of the notice to request a hearing on the matter before the Village Board.
Inform the Owner that if they fail to cure the violation within seven days of the receipt of the notice, or if the Owner fails to request a hearing before the Village Board on the matter within seven days of receipt of the notice, the Village may perform the work required to cure the violation. The curing of the violation shall be the sole expense of the Owner.
The issuance of the notice to perform corrective work shall be an additional remedy available to the Village, and shall not preclude the prosecution of the appearance ticket in Village Justice Court.
When the Village cures a violation of this chapter, the costs attendant to such curing shall be assessed against the property involved. These costs shall constitute a lien and charge against the property and shall be collected by the Village in the manner provided by law for the collection of delinquent taxes.