[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Paulsboro 12-28-1976 by Ord. No. 601; amended in its entirety 7-30-2014 by Ord. No. 06.14.Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
There is hereby established in Borough of Paulsboro a State Uniform Construction Code enforcing agency to be known as the "Borough of Paulsboro Construction Code Department," consisting of a construction official, building subcode official, fire protection subcode official and such other subcode officials for such additional subcodes as the Commissioner of the Department of Community Affairs, State of New Jersey, shall hereafter adopt as part of the State Uniform Construction Code. Each construction official shall be the chief administrator of the enforcing agency. Each official shall enforce the subcode corresponding to his title, subject to the supervision of the construction official.
Each official position created in Subsection A hereof shall be filled by a person qualified for such position pursuant to P.L. 1975, c. 217 (See N.J.S.A. 52:27D-119, et seq. as amended), and N.J.A.C. 5:23, provided that, in lieu of any particular subcode official, an on-site inspection agency may be retained by contract pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:23. More than one such official position may be held by the same person, provided that such person is qualified pursuant to P.L. 1975, c. 217, and N.J.A.C. 5:23 to hold each such position.
The public shall have the right to do business with the enforcing agency at one office location, except for emergencies, and unforeseen or unavoidable circumstances.
[Amended 10-9-2023 by Ord. No. 13.23]
The fee for a construction permit shall be the sum of the subcode fees listed in Subsections A through E herein, plus any special fees, and shall be paid before the permit is issued.
The Building Subcode fees shall be as follows:
Fees for new construction, including additions, shall be based upon the volume of the structure. Volume shall be computed in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:23-2.28. The new construction fee shall be in the amount of $0.0371 per cubic foot for use groups designated as B, H, I-1, I-2, I-3, M, E, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4 and U. Minimum fee for additions shall be $250.
For Use Groups A-1, A-2, A-3, A-4, F-1, F-2, S-1, S-2, the fee shall be $0.030 per cubic foot.
Commercial farm buildings shall be at $0.0080 per cubic foot, with the maximum fee not to exceed $1,200 per building.
Fees for renovations, alterations and repairs shall be based on the estimated cost of the work. The fee shall be $34 per $1,000.
For the purpose of estimating cost, the applicant shall submit to the construction official such cost data as may be available, produced by the architect or engineer of record, or by a recognized estimating firm, or by record, or by the contractor. A bona fide contractor's bid, if available, shall be submitted. The construction official shall make the final decision regarding estimated cost.
From $50,001 to and including $100,000, the fee on the amount exceeding $50,000 shall be in the amount of $26 per $1,000 of estimated cost. Above $100,000, the fee on the amount exceeding $100,000 shall be in the amount of $22 per $1,000 of estimated cost. In all cases the minimum fee shall be $90.
Fees for combination renovations and additions shall be computed as the sum of the fees computed in accordance with Subsection A(1) and (2) above.
Additional fees:
Swimming pools:
Aboveground: $100.
Below ground: $250.
Satellite dishes and towers:
Satellite dishes: $50.
Towers: $25 per $1,000; minimum fee: $50.
Modular homes. Modular and manufactured home installation: fees shall be based upon estimated cost of work, $40 per $1,000 of cost. ("Work" to be defined as installation of home, basements, porches, carports, garages, including site work) Minimum charge of $350. Includes electric, plumbing, and fire hookup cost plus $25 per $1,000 for site work.
For installation or replacement of retaining walls:
The fee for a retaining wall with a surface area greater than 550 square feet that is associated with a Class 3 residential structure shall be $150;
The fee for a retaining wall with a surface area of 550 square feet or less that is associated with a Class 3 residential structure shall be $75;
The fee for a newly constructed retaining wall of any size at other than a Class 3 residential structure shall be based on the cost of the construction.
Minimum fee: $50.
Exception. Exception to such minimum charge shall apply to small sheds (over 200 square feet), residential garages not insulated and other small uninsulated accessory structures on residential properties, as determined by the Construction Official. The minimum fee shall be $95.
The Plumbing Subcode fees shall be as follows:
Minimum fee: $60 $50.
For the following devices, the fee shall be as indicated:
Water closet, bidet, urinal
Sink (any type)
Shower, floor drain
Washing machine
Commercial dishwasher
Water heater
Domestic boiler, furnace
Hose bibb
Water cooler/drinking fountain
Garbage disposal
Fuel oil piping
Gas piping
LP gas tank
Any other fixtures connected to plumbing system
Clothes dryer
Clothes washer
Air conditioner
Water closet, bidet, urinal
Water softener
Ranges (gas)
Water liner
Solar system
Underground lines (wastewater)
Underground lines (gas)
Rough slab
Aboveground lines (vacuum and chemical)
Water cooled air-conditioning unit
Lawn sprinkler systems
Gas service connection
Sewer connection
Sewer pump
Refrigeration unit
Indirect connect
Fuel oil pumping
Service station delivery system
Sewer ejector
Gas piping, each connection
Gas service
Grease trap
Utility service connections
Backflow preventor
Oil separator
Water closet, bidet, urinal
Water connection
Hot-water boiler
Steam boiler
Gas-suspended heater
Gasoline piping
Air admittance valve
Mechanical Subcode fees shall only be applicable to the R-3, R-4 and R-5 Use Groups, and shall be charged as follows:
[Added 10-9-2023 by Ord. No. 13.23
The fee for the replacement of an individual fuel-fired mechanical device shall be a minimum fee for the first device of $60, and $30 for each additional device and shall include inspection for required combustion air.
No separate fee shall be charged for gas, fuel oil, or water piping connections associated with the mechanical equipment inspection.
A flat fee in the sum of $120 shall be charged for each new or replacement complete HVAC system installation, consisting of a furnace, compressor, a-coil, drip pan, condensate pump or discharge line, humidifier, combustion air, or any combination thereof.
A flat fee in the sum of $100 shall be charged for each new fuel-fired generator installation.
The Electrical Subcode fees shall be as follows: [Fee and formatting changes]
Minimum fee: $50.
For from one to 50 receptacles or fixtures, the fee shall be in the amount of $50; for each 25 receptacles or fixtures in addition to this, the fee shall be in the amount of $15; for the purpose of computing this fee, receptacles, switches, fluorescent fixtures, convenience receptacles or similar fixtures and motors or devices of less than one horsepower or one kilowatt or less.
For the purpose of computing these fees, all motors except those plug-in appliances shall be counted, including control equipment, generators, transformers and all heating, cooking or other devices consuming or generating electrical current.
Motors/electrical devices. For each motor or electrical device greater than one horsepower and less than or equal to 10 horsepower, the fee shall be $15; for each motor or electrical device greater than 10 horsepower and less than or equal to 50 horsepower, the fee shall be $60; for each motor or electrical device greater than 50 horsepower and less than or equal to 100 horsepower, the fee shall be $120; for each motor or electrical device greater than 100, the fee shall be $300.
Transformers/generators. For each transformer/generator greater than one kilowatt and less than or equal to 10 kilowatts, the fee shall be $15; for each transformer/generator greater than 10 kilowatts and less than or equal to 45 kilowatts, the fee shall be $60; for each transformer/generator greater than 45 kilowatts and less than or equal to 112.5 kilowatts, the fee shall be $120; for each transformer/generator than 112.5 kilowatts, the fee shall be $300.
Photovoltaic systems. For each photovoltaic system greater than one kilowatt and less than or equal to 50 kilowatts, the fee shall be $50; for each photovoltaic system greater than 50 kilowatts and less than or equal to 100 kilowatts, the fee shall be $120; for each photovoltaic system greater than 100 kilowatts, fee shall be $550.
Services/panels/subpanels. For each service panel/service entrance or subpanel greater than one ampere and less than or equal to 200 amperes, the fee shall be $65; for each service panel/service entrance or subpanel greater than 200 amperes and less than or equal to 225 amperes, the fee shall be $65 $50; for each service panel/service entrance or subpanel greater than 225 amperes and less than or equal to 300 amperes, the fee shall be $125; for each service panel/service entrance or subpanel greater than 300 amperes and less than or equal to 400 amperes, the fee shall be $150; for each service panel/service entrance or subpanel greater than 400 amperes and less than or equal to 800 amperes, the fee shall be $300; for each service panel/service entrance or subpanel greater than 800 amperes and less than or equal to 1,000 amperes, the fee shall be $400; for each service panel/service entrance or subpanel greater than 1,000 amperes and less than or equal to 1,200 amperes, the fee shall be $400; for each service panel/service entrance or subpanel greater than 1,200 amperes, the fee shall be $500.
In addition to the above fees for Electrical Subcode fees, and pool, whether inground or above-ground that employs an electrical motor shall be subject to a bonding fee of $100.
Specific fees. Notwithstanding Subsections C(2) through (8) above, the following fees shall apply and supersede and replace the above fee schedule to the extent there is an overlap:
Garbage disposal
Baseboard heat units
Water softener
Drinking fountain
Clothes washer
Surface units
Water heater
Air-conditioning unit
Intercom panel
Burglar alarm
Central heat
Heat pumps
Exterior light standards, one to five
The Fire Protection Subcode fees shall be as follows:
Fire protection and other hazardous equipment. Sprinklers, standpipes, detectors (smoke and heat), pre-engineered suppression systems, gas- and oil-fired appliances not connected to the plumbing system, kitchen exhaust systems, incinerators and crematoriums.
In computing fees for heads and detectors, the number of each shall be counted separately, and two fees, one for heads and one for detectors, shall be charged.
Heads. The fee for 20 or fewer heads shall be $75; for 21 to and including 100 heads, the fee shall be $100; for 101 to and including 200 heads, the fee shall be $300; for 201 to and including 400 heads, the fee shall be $450; for 401 to and including 1,000 heads, the fee shall be $1100; for over 1,000 heads, the fee shall be $1350. In computing fees for heads and detectors, the number of each shall be counted separately, and two fees, one for heads and one for detectors, shall be charged.
Detectors. The fee for 20 or fewer detectors shall be $50; for 21 to and including 40 detectors, the fee shall be $80; for 41 to and including 65 detectors, the fee shall be $90; for 66 to and including 90 detectors, the fee shall be $100; for 91 to and including 115 detectors, the fee shall be $120; for 116 to and including 135 detectors, the fee shall be $135; for over 135 detectors, the fee shall be $150.
Standpipes, hose cabinets, systems fees.
The fee for each standpipe shall be $280.
The fee for hose cabinet shall be $75.
The fee for each independent pre-engineered system, FM200 suppression, CO2 suppression system, halogen suppression system, foam suppression system, wet chemical systems and dry chemical systems shall be $130 per system.
Special suppression systems:
Carbon dioxide system:
One to 75 pounds of agent: $50.
Seventy-six pounds plus: $65.
Dry chemical or comparable systems, per 50 pounds: $40.
Halogenated or clean agent systems:
One to 35 pounds of agent: $50.
Thirty-six pounds plus: $75.
Wet chemical suppression systems:
To 25 gallons: $50.
Twenty-six plus gallons: $95.
Commercial kitchen hood exhaust systems. Fee shall be $50 per unit. The minimum fee shall be $75.
Fuel-fired equipment, including heat-producing devices, other than in Use Groups R-3, R-4 and R-5, shall be $30 per $1,000 of estimated cost of work (material and labor). The minimum fee shall be $90.
The fee for each gas- or oil-fired appliance, which is not connected to the plumbing system, shall be $50.
The fee for each incinerator shall be $300.
The fee for each crematorium shall be $300.
Alarms. Smoke detectors, heat detectors, bells, pull stations and all other sounding devices. The minimum fee shall be $90.
Fee, Residential R-3, R-4: $5 each unit.
All other groups:
Number of Detectors
1 to 20
21 to 200
201 to 400
400 plus
$50 addition
Flammable/combustible tanks. Residential: $50. All other uses $10 per $1,000 costs. The minimum fee shall be $90.
New tanks:
1 to 500 gallons
501 to 1,000 gallons
Ea. addl. 1,000 gallons thereafter
The fee for a demolition or removal permit shall be $75 for a structure of less than 5,000 square feet in area and less than 30 feet in height, for one- or two-family residences (Use Group R-3 of the building subcode) and structures on farms, including commercial farm buildings under N.J.A.C. 5:23-3.2(d), and $100 for all other use groups. The fee for a permit for removal of underground storage tanks shall be $100 per tank.
The fee for a permit for the removal of the building or structure from one lot to a new location on the same lot shall be $30 per $1,000 of the sum of the estimated costs for moving.
The fee for a permit to construct a sign shall be $25 for the first square foot of the surface area of the sign. In the case of double-faced signs, the area of the surface of only one side of the sign shall be used for purposes of the fee computation. The first square foot shall be $25 and $1 per square foot after the first square foot.
Minimum fee [Subsections E(1) through (3) above]: $50.
Certificates of occupancy. The fee for certificates of occupancy shall be as follows:
The fee for certificate of occupancy granted for new construction shall be 10% of the total construction fees, provided the minimum shall be $50.
Certificate of continued occupancy shall be $175.
Certification of lead-free premises, pursuant to state Law minimum fee of $500 if the Borough conducts the inspection. Property owners are encouraged for find their own certified contractors for the inspection. See (reference law and ordinance).
Certificate of approval: $45.
The fee for an application for a variation in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:23-2.10 shall be $100 for Class I structures and $50 for Class II and Class III structures. The fee for resubmission of an application for a variation shall be $100 for Class I structures and $25 for Class II and Class III structures.
For cross connections and backflow preventers that are subject to testing, requiring reinspection every three months, the fee shall be $50 for each device when they are tested (once annually) and $100 for each device when they are broken down and tested (once annually).
Elevators. Annual permit requirements shall be in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:23-4.20(5)(i)(ii)(1)(2).
The fee for plan review for elevator devices in structures in Use Groups R-3 and R-4 shall be $50 for each device.
The fee for plan review for elevator devices in structures in use groups other than R-3 and R-4 shall be $260 for each device.
The fees for elevator device inspections and tests shall be as set forth in N.J.A.C. 5:23-12.
Partial permits for footings and foundations [per N.J.A.C. 5:23-2.16(g)] R-3 shall be $30 per $1,000 estimated cost of footing and foundation and is not credited to total construction permit.
Surcharge fees on new construction and report.
In order to provide for the training, certification and technical support programs required by the Act, an enforcing agency, including the department when acting as the local agency, shall collect a surcharge fee to be based upon the volume of new construction within the municipality. Said fee shall be accounted for and forwarded to the Bureau of Housing Inspection in the manner herein provided.
Amount. This fee shall be in the amount of $0.00371 per cubic foot volume of new construction. Volume shall be computed in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:23-2.28. All other construction (alterations and renovations) shall be $1.70 per $1,000 of value of constructions, with a minimum fee of $1. Pre-engineered systems of commercial farm buildings are exempt from this fee.
The municipality shall, in addition to the fees described in Subsection F(1) above, collect the above fees as part of its usual responsibilities.
Remitting and reporting. The municipality shall remit fees to the Bureau on a quarterly basis, in conjunction with a report number R-840A State Training Fee Report, in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:23-4.5(d). Fees remitted shall be for the quarter. Checks shall be made payable to "Treasurer, State of New Jersey."
Plan review fee.
The fee for plan review shall be 5% of the fee for a construction permit and shall be paid at the time of granting the permit.
Whenever a permit is received based on an approved prototype plan, the permit fee shall be reduced by the amount of the plan review fee.
Exemption. The only exemption to fees is for municipal buildings or use of a building for municipal purposes.
The construction official shall, with the advice of the subcode officials, prepare and submit to the Mayor and Council, biannually, a report recommending a fee schedule based on the operating expenses of the agency and any other expenses of the municipality fairly attributable to the enforcement of the State Uniform Construction Code Act.[1]
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 52:27D-119 et seq.