[Adopted 5-6-1980 by Ord. No. 0.9.80]
Editor's Note: Former §§ 76-59, Definitions, and 76-60, Spaces to be provided, were repealed 3-19-2002 by Ord. No. 03.02.
Handicapped parking spaces. Handicapped parking spaces shall be those spaces which are identified with a clearly visible sign displaying the international symbol of the handicapped along with the wording "Handicapped Parking Only," and a designation of the penalty for violation shall be placed on the sign or parking space. Handicapped parking spaces shall be provided at the Paulsboro Borough Hall and all other public buildings constructed by the Borough of Paulsboro and all other buildings as required by N.J.S.A. 52:32-4.
Only handicapped persons may park in designated areas. No person shall park, stop or stand a motor vehicle any time in an area designated as reserved for the benefit of physically handicapped individuals unless such person is a handicapped person or is driving such handicapped person for the handicapped person's benefit. Display of a handicapped person slip, special license plates or special vehicle identification cards shall entitle the vehicle to park in a handicapped parking spot.
Notice of violation.
Prior to the issuance of any summons, the officer or other designated person shall place on the vehicle a notice of intention to issue a summons. The notice shall advise the vehicle operator that, unless satisfactory explanation is made within 10 days to the Paulsboro Police Department as to why that motor vehicle was so placed in a space reserved for handicapped persons, a summons for a parking violation, as defined by this ordinance, shall issue. Such notice shall be in such form as to enable the operator of the motor vehicle to insert his explanation.
In the event that the motorist shall fail to reply on the notice form provided or in the event that the explanation given evidences violation of this section, the officer or designated person shall cause a summons to be issued for violation of this section.
The terms and provisions of this section shall be enforced for all buildings owned and operated by the Borough of Paulsboro or for those buildings which a private owner has consented to enforcement in writing.
The terms and provisions of this section shall be enforced by the Paulsboro Police Department and such other persons as the Mayor may designate to enforce this section. The Mayor shall be required to file the name or names of any persons so designated by him to enforce this section with the Clerk of the Borough of Paulsboro, who shall maintain a permanent log of the person or persons so designated. Such person or persons shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor.
The Mayor shall be required, upon the termination or resignation of any person or persons so designated to act as an enforcing officer herein, to so advise the Borough Clerk of that person's resignation or termination, which the Clerk shall so note on the permanent log. The term of any person or persons designated to serve as enforcing officer, notwithstanding any other provisions of this ordinance, shall terminate as of the expiration of the term of the Mayor.
A person shall be deemed in violation of § 76-60 of this ordinance if, 10 days after written notice is given by a duly designated Borough official, he fails to then comply with § 76-60 of this ordinance. Any person violating § 76-60 may be fined no more than $250. Each day that a person shall be in violation of this section shall constitute a separate offense.
Any person who shall violate any other provision of this ordinance may be fined not more than $50.
This ordinance shall take effect upon publication thereof after final passage as provided by law.