[Adopted 12-14-2023 by Ord. No. 29-2023[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Art. II, Community Education/Recreation Director, adopted 12-11-1980 by Ord. No. 27-1980 (Ch. 27A of 1967 compilation).
The City Council of the City of Somers Point, New Jersey, hereby establishes the position with the title of Community Program and Recreation Director, which position shall be appointed from time to time by the City Administrator. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to create any right upon any employee to said position inasmuch as any individual serving in such position serves at the discretion of the City Administrator.
The purpose of this position shall be the maximum utilization of the community's physical, financial and human resources to provide opportunities for the growth and development of every Somers Point resident and the community as a whole. The person shall work with children, youth, adults and agencies living and working within Somers Point to ensure the development and operation of community programs and projects consistent with identified community needs and interests. Such a program will include activities and projects for all ages of a recreational, civic, cultural and social nature.
Areas of responsibility of the Director shall be to:
Exercise community leadership in the definition and development of new community programs, activities and facilities designed to meet identified community needs.
Develop and operate a balanced, year-round program which includes activities and involvement for children, youth, adults and senior citizens.
Encourage the development of interagency and organizational cooperative efforts and involvement within the community.
Coordinate all activities related to the recreational programs approved by the Recreation Advisory Board.
Schedule and coordinate the use of the City's recreational facilities.
Facilitate community programs in their endeavor to provide human services to residents.
Promote community spirit and cooperation.
As necessary, provide administrative services to the City's Recreation Advisory Board.
Assist the City Administrator and the Recreation Advisory Board in providing supervision of recreational maintenance personnel.
Complete and maintain accurate records as to income and payroll and order and inventory supplies and all other financial aspects of the total program.
Continually investigate and apply for sources of funding available to implement and expand existing community recreation programs.
Perform such other related duties and responsibilities for any job as assigned or deemed appropriate by the City Administrator.