[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Scranton 9-26-1979 as Ch. 20 of the 1979 Code. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The city hereby accepts the conveyance and donation of real estate for the establishment of a free public library, for the use and benefit of the citizens and residents of the city. The building shall be called the "Albright Memorial Building," in memory of Joseph J. Albright and Elizabeth Albright, his wife.
The library placed under § 76-1 shall be reasonably maintained, shall be managed and controlled by a Board consisting of sixteen (16) trustees, of whom the Mayor of the city shall be ex officio one (1), and fifteen (15) shall be selected and appointed as follows: five (5) thereof shall be nominated by the Mayor, one (1) each from the clergymen or pastors, residents of the city of the following religious denominations, to wit, Episcopalian, Roman Catholic, Methodist, Baptist and Presbyterian, which nominations shall be confirmed by the Council, four (4) thereof [no more than two (2) of whom shall be of the same political party] shall be nominated by the Mayor from the citizens at large and confirmed by the Council; three (3) thereof shall be appointed by the Chamber of Commerce of the city and three (3) thereof shall be appointed by the President Judge of the County Court of Common Pleas from the members of the bar of such court. The fifteen (15) members shall be divided into five (5) classes of three (3) members each in such manner that the terms of three (3) members shall expire each year, and they shall hold their full terms for five (5) years, the respective terms to be at first fixed at the first organization of the Board by drawing lots. Vacancies occurring for any cause shall be filled for the unexpired term by nomination and appointment from the same class by the respective bodies and persons above designated. In case any vacancy cannot be filled in the manner thus indicated, then the Board may fill such vacancy. The Board of Trustees shall, annually, make report to the Council of the condition, expenditures and necessities of the library and property, real and personal, connected therewith.