Within the limits of the Township, no person, firm, or corporation shall conduct or carry on the business of the operation of a mobile home park or work in, occupy or directly or indirectly in any manner whatsoever utilize any place or premises in which is conducted or carried on, a mobile home park or mobile home park sites unless and until there shall be granted by the Township Council in accordance with the terms of this chapter and there shall be in force and effect, a license to conduct the mobile home park for the place and premises in or at which the same shall be conducted and carried on.
The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
An approved license issued for the operation of a mobile home park limited and restricted to residents who:
[Amended 9-25-2006 by Ord. No. 06-028; 6-14-2010 by Ord. No. 10-012]
Are at least 52 years of age or over; or
In the case of married couples, civil unions or those who are registered pursuant to N.J.S.A. 26:8A-1 et seq., the New Jersey Domestic Partnership Act, at least one of whom is 52 years of age or over, provided that one child 19 years of age or over may reside with a parent or parents. It is not required this license be issued as part of a senior citizen project as defined in the zoning regulations.
A transportable dwelling which does not contain one or more of the following: a flush toilet, bath or shower or kitchen sink.
A manufactured, movable, portable and transportable dwelling built on a chassis and containing a flush toilet, bath or shower and a kitchen sink; designed to be connected to a piped water supply, sewerage facilities and electrical service; designed for year-round living as a residence and/or living quarters, whether or not affixed to real property.
A parcel of land designed to accommodate a mobile home and includes the mobile home stand and the mobile home yard.
A parcel of land which has been so designated and improved that it contains two or more mobile home lots available to the general public for the placement thereon of mobile homes for occupancy.
That part of a mobile home lot which has been reserved exclusively for the placement of a mobile home.
That part of the mobile home lot excluding the mobile home stand.
An approved license issued for the operation of a mobile home park without limitation as to age.
All other definitions contained in Title 8, Chapter 22-2, New Jersey Administrative Code, N.J.A.C. 8:22-2.3, are hereby adopted by reference.
Plenary mobile home park licenses are hereby established and limited to three inclusive of all licenses heretofore issued by the Township and presently in operation without restriction to age.
Age-restricted mobile home park licenses are hereby established and limited to three inclusive of all those licenses heretofore issued by the Township and presently in operation restricting the age to 52 year of age or older.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III).
In the event that a mobile home park license is abandoned, expires by reason of failure to pay the required annual license fee or failure to reapply for the same, or is declared void or terminated by the Township for failure to comply with this chapter, then in such event the license shall become available for reissue by the Township Council on proper application in accordance with the terms of this chapter.
An application for license shall be made to the Township Clerk in triplicate on a form provided for such application by the Clerk. An application must be accompanied by a payment to the Township Clerk of $250 as an application fee, which fee is nonreturnable. This application will not be accepted by the Township Clerk if the limit of licenses has been met as provided hereinbefore.
Annual license fee. There is hereby established an annual license fee of $100 up to 50 trailer spaces; $300 for 51 to 500 trailer spaces; $500 for 501 trailer spaces and over. In addition, there is a charge of $2 per trailer space for all licenses, payable immediately upon validation by the Township Council of the initial license and upon annual renewal as hereinafter provided. The fee shall be due and payable regardless of whether the mobile home lots are occupied or unoccupied. In addition, there shall be a monthly fee of $6 for each occupied mobile home lot due and payable quarterly payable to the Township on the first day of each quarter which shall be accompanied by a written report of the number of lots occupied during the quarter. However, in the event a lot is occupied after the 15th of the month, the fee for that month shall be $3. Failure to submit and deliver the designated fee and report shall be a violation of this chapter.[1]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III).
Validation or abandonment. If the application and/or license has not been validated by the Township Council by reason of the failure to receive the municipal approvals set forth in the prerequisite to validations of application within one year of the date of the filing of the application with the Clerk, then the license will be deemed abandoned under no further force and effect; however, if the applicant or licensee has obtained the necessary municipal approvals, the Township Council may extend the time limit for one additional year to obtain necessary state approvals and final validation as provided for hereinafter.
An application for a license may be approved and a license authorized by the Township Council subject to validation of the license after the applicant has received the following approvals and permits and has complied with § 267-20.
Applicant has been issued a special use permit pursuant to Chapter 245, Land Use and Development, or a variance if required.
Applicant has secured approvals of the Township, if necessary, for the proposed provision of water supply system and facilities and sanitary sewerage systems, and complied with any applicable rules and regulations of State Board of Health and the New Jersey Administrative Code Title 8, Chapter 22, Subchapter 2 (N.J.A.C. 8:22-2.1 et seq., Mobile Home Parks)
Applicant has received the Planning Board approval for site plan of the proposed mobile home park in accordance with the standards herein contained and in conformity with Chapter 245, Land Use and Development.
Applicant has complied with all other applicable ordinances of the Township of Manchester and statutes of the State of New Jersey.
Applicant, if a corporation, has submitted to the Township Council.
Name and address of all stockholders in such corporation.
Names and addresses for the preceding five years of all officers and directors of the corporation.
Corporate status report and franchise tax report; or if not a corporation but trading under a trade name, has submitted a list of all principals together with their addresses for the preceding five years.
When all of the requirements under § 267-5A, prerequisite to validation of application, have been complied with, the applicant shall so notify the Township Council in writing and shall be granted a hearing by the Township Council within 30 days of such notification, which hearing may be limited to a consideration of all supporting documents. The Township Council shall base its decision on the application on whether or not the applicant has complied with the applicable provisions of this chapter and shall not validate any application until the documents submitted in support thereof have been reviewed and recommendation for approval or rejection by the Township Engineer and Township Attorney. Approval by the Township Council shall validate the license and entitle the applicant to a permit. The permit shall be issued by the Township Clerk.
No permit or license for a mobile home park shall be issued or granted unless the proposed mobile home park shall contain not less than an area of 50 acres under single ownership, whether corporate or individual or partnership.
A permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall provide that the applicant must complete construction of either a section of the proposed park or the entire proposed park, in accordance with the approved site plans and the provisions of this chapter within one year of the date of issuance of the permit. If not completed within the prescribed time as aforesaid, any permit issued may be declared null and void by the Township Council.
The Township Council may extend the time period of the permit granted hereunder for successive periods of not more than six months each in the event that the applicant demonstrates to the Council that the applicant, through no fault of its own and for justifiable cause, was unable to complete the subject trailer park within the time period allotted for the same.
In the event an applicant is issued a permit for construction of a section of the proposed park, the applicant must substantially complete this section before any additional construction permit may be issued. This section shall be inspected by the Township Engineer, who shall report his findings to the Township Council together with the recommendation for issuance of additional permit. In any event, each section shall be completed within one year of issuing of a permit.
Upon receipt of a permit from the Township Clerk, the applicant shall present the permit to the Construction Official of the Township of Manchester and pay such fees as may be due the Township for a building permit for the construction of any and all permanent structures, buildings, and appurtenances according to the Standard Construction Code of the State of New Jersey and the Township of Manchester. No construction shall commence until the Construction Official shall issue the permit for the mobile home park or any approved section thereof.
All licenses for mobile home parks shall expire on the 31st day of December next following the date of issuance and shall be valid for a period of one year from January 1 to December 31. No park shall be operated in any manner whatsoever unless in possession of a valid license.
A renewal of a mobile park license shall be and may be obtained from the Township Clerk for each succeeding year in which the operations of the existing park is sought to be continued, upon the payment to the Clerk of the operating license fees as provided hereinafter; provided, however, that no such renewal shall be issued, if with respect to the park:
There is any notice of an alleged violation issued pursuant to this chapter outstanding and unresolved.
The licensee has not paid to the Township any sum due to the Township under this chapter.
The licensee has failed or refused to correct a condition that would constitute a violation of this chapter.
The licensee fails to submit any map required under this chapter.
The licensee has failed to pay or cause to be paid any taxes upon the lands covered by such license.
The licensee is in violation of any federal, state or municipal law or ordinance or health regulation as a result of any activity or operation under this chapter.
Any operation of the licensee under this chapter endangers the person or property of adjoining landowners or other persons in the Township.
Editor's Note: Former § 267-12, Transferability, was repealed 10-24-2011 by Ord. No. 11-024.
The site plan to be submitted by the applicant to the Manchester Township Planning Board shall be submitted in the following form and shall contain the following information:
The site plan shall be prepared by a professional engineer or architect licensed in the State of New Jersey, and duly signed and sealed. The site plan shall be duly certified as to accuracy of everything represented thereon.
The name and title of the applicant, the owner and of the person preparing the plan maps and accompany data.
Place for the signatures of the Chairman and Secretary of the Planning Board.
Place for the signature of the Township Engineer.
Tax Map lot and block number of the premises affected.
Date, scale and North arrow.
Name, blocks and lots of adjacent property owners and property within 200 feet of the boundaries of the affected premises.
Boundary limits or premises, setback lines, lines of existing easements and proposed easements.
Any proposed regulations or restrictive covenants which would affect the premises.
Detailed plans of all permanent structures.
Location of all existing and proposed storm and water drainage systems.
Location of all existing and proposed utility systems.
Location of recreational areas and storage areas.
Location of all signs.
Location and layout of campsite and parking areas.
Topography of existing and proposed grades with contours taken at two-foot intervals.
Location of all acres and service roads within the affected premises, showing access points to already existing public roads.
Provisions of the New Jersey State Health Code applicable to mobile home parks more particularly known as Title 8, Subtitle 2, Consumer Health, Chapter 22, General Sanitation, Subchapter 2, Mobile Home Parks, and further known as the New Jersey Administrative Code 8:22-2.1 et seq., is hereby adopted, accepted and established except as hereinafter amended and modified as a standard to be used as a guide by the Township Board of Health in determining whether mobile home parks, as well as their facilities, are safe, sanitary and fit for human habitation and occupancy and shall be used as a standard by the Township Council to determine if a license shall be issued to an applicant. A copy of the Code is annexed to this chapter and made part hereof without inclusion of the text herein. Three copies of the code have been placed on file in the Office of the Clerk upon the introduction of this chapter.
The code, for the purpose of this chapter, is amended as follows:
N.J.A.C. 8:22-2.43 through 2.45 are deleted. No dependent units shall be permitted in any mobile home park except such facilities in accordance with the standards may be constructed for temporary emergency use by occupants of the mobile home park.
Any park in actual and physical existence at the effective date of this chapter which came into existence under prior ordinances of the Township, hereinafter referred to as "preexisting parks," must within one year of the effective date of this chapter comply with all provisions of this chapter. Preexisting parks shall be subject to the applicable standards of prior ordinances which shall remain in full force and effect for the aforementioned one-year period for this purpose. The owner of any such preexisting park shall make application for a license within 10 days of the effective date of this chapter and shall submit with its application a plan of the existing park, showing number and location of sites, sanitary and health facilities, together with existing roads. Application fee for such preexisting parks shall be $200.
The Construction Official is designated as the enforcement official for any violation of this chapter other than health and sanitary violations. The Ocean County Health Department is designated as the enforcement official for health and sanitary violations.
The notice and enforcement proceedings set forth in subsection 13-5.21 "Notice of Violation: Hearings of the Recreational Campground Regulations, and licensing of the establishment, creation of construction expansion and operation of recreational campgrounds" is hereby adopted and accepted as enforcement proceedings under this chapter as though fully set forth at length, which ordinance is on file with the Clerk of the Township.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III).