[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Masontown 1-5-1925 by Ord. No. 24, approved 1-5-1925. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Treasurer of the Borough of Masontown shall collect from the proper officers of this commonwealth, the aforesaid two-percentum tax[1] due the said Borough of Masontown and shall pay over the same, when and as soon as the tax from time to time, is received by him, to the Treasurer of the said Association of the firemen of the Borough of Masontown, known as the "Masontown Firemen's Relief Association" to be used by said Association for the objects and purposes aforesaid and in accordance with its charter and bylaws; provided, however, that the amount of the said tax shall only be paid over to the Association while it is in existence for the purpose above set out, and provided further that the Borough of Masontown shall in no wise be liable for the proper application of said moneys after the same has been received by the Treasurer of said Association or for the payment of any sums of money except as in this chapter specified.
Editor's Note: The preamble to this legislation, which dealt with the derivation of the two-percentum tax and the establishment and purpose of the Firemen's Relief Association, read as follows:
"Whereas, the second section of an Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, approved the 28th day of June 1895, amended July 15, 1919, P.L. 964, provides as follows; 'On and after the first day of January 1919, and annually thereafter, there shall be paid by the State Treasurer, to the Treasurer of the several cities, townships and boroughs within the commonwealth, the entire net amount received from the two-percentum tax paid upon premiums by the foreign fire insurance companies. The amount to be paid over to each of the Treasurers of the several cities, townships and boroughs shall be based upon the return of the said two-percentum tax upon premiums received from foreign fire insurance companies doing business within the said several cities, townships and boroughs, as shown by the Insurance Commissioners' report. Warrants for the above purposes shall be drawn by the Auditor General, payable to the Treasurers of the several cities, townships and boroughs, in accordance with this act, whenever there are sufficient funds in the state treasury to pay the same,' and;
"Whereas, it was the intention of the Legislature that the said two-percentum of tax aforesaid should be applied for the use and benefit of the Fire Departments of the cities and boroughs of the commonwealth for the purpose of providing and maintaining a fund for the relief and support of members of said Fire Departments who shall be injured while in the discharge of their duties, and for the burial of members killed as aforesaid, and for the pensioning of the dependent members of their families, etc., and;
"Whereas, the members of the Fire Department of Masontown, for the purpose of obtaining the benefits of the provisions of the said act and of carrying out the intentions aforesaid, have organized themselves into an association called the 'Masontown Firemen's Relief Association,' and have duly applied for the incorporation thereof, the object of said Association being to provide a fund from legacies, bequests and other sources for the relief, support and burial of its members who may be crippled or killed, or who may be prevented from attending to their usual occupation or calling on account of the chronic ailments or permanent injury caused through exposure or accident while doing public fire duty, and for the pensioning of the widows and orphans or dependent parents of members who may be killed or who may die from injuries received while, in the discharge of their duty as firemen, therefore:"