In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 1977 Code have been included in the 2011 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Chapter/Title From 1977 Code
Location in 2011 Code
Part I, Administrative Legislation
Ch. 1, General Provisions
Art. I, Adoption of Code
§§ 1-1 through 1-15, Adoption of Code
§ 1-16, Municipal Service Charges for Certain Checks
Ch. 152
Ch. 5, Claims Approval
Ch. 7
Ch. 7, Court
Art. I, General Provisions
Ch. 12, Art. I
Art. II, Public Defender
Ch. 12, Art. II
Ch. 10, Emergency Services Personnel
Art. I, Fingerprinting and Background Investigations
Ch. 18
Ch. 11, Environmental Commission
Ch. 25
Ch. 12, Historical Commission
Ch. 31
Ch. 14, Industrial Commission
Ch. 42
Ch. 18, Officers and Employees
Art. I, Administrator
Ch. 55, Art. I
Art. II, Chief Financial Officer
Ch. 55, Art. II
Ch. 19, Indemnification
Ch. 37
Ch. 22, Recreation Commissioners, Board of
Ch. 74
Ch. 24, Payroll Procedures
Ch. 60
Ch. 25, Salaries and Compensation
Ch. 79
Ch. 26, Shade Tree Advisory Committee
Ch. 91
Ch. 27, Use of Municipal Vehicles
Ch. 384
Part II, General Legislation
Ch. 32, Games of Chance
Art. I, Raffles
Ch. 227, Art. I
Ch. 33, Alarm Systems and Devices
Art. I, False Alarms
Ch. 110, Art. I
Ch. 34, Alcoholic Beverages
Art. I, Open Containers
Ch. 114, Art. I
Ch. 35, Amusements and Exhibitions
Art. I, Circuses and Carnivals
Ch. 119, Art. I
Art. II, Amusement Devices
Ch. 119, Art. II
Ch. 40, Buildings, Unfit
Ch. 143
Ch. 43, Construction Code Enforcement
Ch. 165
Ch. 44, Curfew
Ch. 171
Ch. 48, Dogs and Other Animals
Art. I, Vicious Dogs
Ch. 125, Art. I
Art. II, Nuisances
Ch. 125, Art. II
Art. III, Licensing
Ch. 125, Art. III
Art. IV, Kennels, Pet Shops, Shelters and Pounds
Ch. 125, Art. IV
Art. V, Animal Control Officer
Ch. 125, Art. V
Ch. 50, Existing Structures Code
Arts. I and II, Adoption of Existing Structures Code and Amendments and Revisions
Ch. 303, Art. I
Art. III, Compliance; Definitions
§ 50-6, Conformance Required
Ch. 303, Art. II
§ 50-7, Certificate of Inspection Upon Sale or Lease
Ch. 303, Art. II
§ 50-8, Registration of Premises
Ch. 303, Art. II
§ 50-9, Definitions
Repealed by Ord. No. 619
Art. IV, Fees
Ch. 303, Art. II
Ch. 52, Firesafety Standards
§§ 52-1 to 52-11, Fire Prevention
Ch. 212
§§ 52-12 and 52-13, Smoke-Sensitive Alarms
Ch. 110, Art. II
Ch. 53, Fire Zones
Ch. 218
Ch. 55, Solid Waste, Disposal and Collection
Ch. 341
Ch. 56, Litter
Ch. 255
Ch. 57, Grass, Brush and Weeds
Ch. 234
Ch. 60, Insurance
Art. I, Fire Insurance Claims
Ch. 206
Ch. 62, Junkyards
Ch. 246
Ch. 67, Loitering; Peace and Good Order
Ch. 259
Ch. 71, Numbering of Buildings and Lots
Ch. 273
Ch. 73, Parental Responsibility
Ch. 281
Ch. 74, Parks and Recreational Areas
Ch. 287
Ch. 75, Peddling and Soliciting
Art. I, Regulations
Ch. 294, Art. I
Art. II, Roadway Solicitations
Ch. 294, Art. II
Ch. 77, Drug-Free School Zones Map
Ch. 180, Art. I
Ch. 78, Public Records
Art. I, Government Records
Ch. 310, Art. I
Art. II, Tax Sale Redemption Certificates
Ch. 310, Art. II
Art. III, Vital Statistics
Ch. 310, Art. III
Art. IV, Municipal Court Discovery
Ch. 310, Art. IV
Ch. 79, Security for Multiple-Unit Dwelling Complex
Ch. 323
Ch. 82, Sewer Use
Ch. 328
Ch. 85, Street Excavations and Encroachments
Ch. 352, Art. I
Ch. 88, Sewer and Water Utility
Ch. 85
Ch. 89, Taxation
Art. I, Delinquent Taxes
Ch. 360, Art. I
Art. II, Tax Exemption for Construction of Commercial or Industrial Structures or Improvements
Ch. 360, Art. II
Ch. 90, Taxicabs
Ch. 366
Ch. 93, Vehicles and Traffic
Ch. 93
Ch. 95, Water Emergency
Ch. 389
Ch. 96, Water Supply Systems
Ch. 396
Ch. 98, Zoning Development
Ch. 405
Ch. A101, Election Districts
Ch. A425
Ch. A102, Water Franchise
Ch. A103, Cable Television Franchise
Ch. A420