§ 175-73
Prohibited uses; exceptions. 

No building, structure, lot or land in any district in the Village of Washingtonville shall be used for any one or more of the following uses, except as provided in Article XIX:


Any trade, industry or use which is noxious or offensive by reason of the emission of smoke, noise, gas, odor, dust, vibration or excessive light beyond the limits of its lot, so as to be dangerous or prejudicial to the public health, safety or general welfare.


Sky rides, Ferris wheels, roller coasters, shooting galleries and similar recreation center devices.


Rendering plants for animal products.


Lighting facilities of any kind with light sources which are visible from outside the property lines, which create glare beyond the property lines or which create public hazards.


Manufacture or storage of explosives or fireworks.


Dump or junkyard.


Vending machines not located entirely within a principal or accessory building.


Open-front stores arranged and designed for the purpose of making sales to persons on the public street or sidewalk.


Open-air retail sales establishments other than for automotive fuels or horticultural products.


Sand or gravel pits or rock quarry.


Rear dwelling.


House trailers and mobile homes are prohibited in any district in the Village of Washingtonville, except within the existing trailer court area of the village as provided for and shown on the Village Zoning Map which forms a part of this chapter.

[Added 11-1-1971]


Active adult use, including but not limited to an adult entertainment cabaret, adult motel/hotel, adult theater, massage establishment, peep show or similar adult use that is generally of such nature as to result in patrons or customers congregating in or about the use.

[Added 12-1-1997 by L.L. No. 5-1997]