[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough Council of the Borough of Greenville as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Firemen's Relief Association — See Ch. 36.
Firemen's pension — See Ch. 80, Art. III
Police Department — See Ch. 113.
[Adopted 6-11-1996 by Ord. No. 1323 (Ch. 1, Part 7D, of the 2006 Code of Ordinances)]
Members of the Greenville Volunteer Fire Department, including any paid fireman who is a member of a volunteer company and performs the services of a volunteer fireman during off-duty hours, shall be entitled to receive worker's compensation only in cases of injuries received while actively engaged as a fireman or while going to or returning from a fire which the fire company or fire department attended including travel from and the direct return to a fireman's home, place of business or other place where he shall have been when he received the call or alarm or while participating in instruction fire drills in which the fire department or fire company shall have participated or while repairing or doing other work about or on the fire apparatus or buildings and grounds of the fire company or fire department upon the authorization of the Chief of the Greenville Fire Department or other person in charge or while answering any emergency calls for any purpose or while riding upon a fire apparatus which is owned or used by the Greenville Fire Department or while performing any other duties of such fire department as authorized by the Borough or while performing duties imposed by § 15 of Act of April 27, 1927 (P.L. 465, No. 229),[1] referred to as the "Fire and Panic Act." Said volunteer fireman are not authorized to perform duties other than those set forth above.
Editor's Note: See 35 P.S. § 1235.
[Adopted 2-7-2002 by Ord. No. 1387 (Ch. 1, Part 7E, of the 2006 Code of Ordinances)]
The Department is hereby authorized and directed by and through its officers and authorized representatives to ascertain what insurance coverages may be applicable and available in any given circumstance and to take all necessary and affirmative steps to apply for and receive reimbursement from any insurance carrier where a property owner is or may be insured to reimburse the Department for any costs and/or expenses incurred for supplies, services and/or equipment used for or provided to the property owner by the Department.
Under no circumstances shall any property owners not covered by applicable insurance be billed by the Greenville Fire Department for fire protection or other services provided by the Department.
This article shall be liberally construed to accomplish its purpose to compensate and/or reimburse the Greenville Fire Department, from insurance proceeds only, for costs and/or expenses incurred while providing services pursuant to their duties as a Fire Department.