[Ord. No. 386 §1, 10-5-1992]
No person shall sell or distribute any tobacco product or rolling papers to any minor, except that this Section shall not apply to the distribution by family members on property that is not open to the public.
[Ord. No. 386 §2, 10-5-1992]
The owner of an establishment at which tobacco products or rolling papers are sold at retail or through vending machines shall cause to be prominently displayed in a conspicuous place at every display from which tobacco products are sold and on every vending machine where tobacco products are purchased, a sign, that shall:
Contain in red lettering at least one-half (½) inch high on a white background the following: "It is a violation of State law for cigarettes or other tobacco products to be sold to any person under the age of eighteen (18); and
Include a depiction of a pack of cigarettes at least two (2) inches high defaced by a red diagonal diameter of a surrounding red circle, and the words "Under 18".
[Ord. No. 386 §3, 10-5-1992]
A person selling tobacco products or rolling papers or distributing tobacco product samples shall require proof of age from a prospective purchaser or recipient if any ordinary person would conclude on the basis of appearance that such prospective purchaser or recipient may be under the age of eighteen (18). Reasonable reliance on proof of age or on the appearance of the purchaser or recipient shall be a defense to any action for a violation of this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 386 §4, 10-5-1992]
If a sale is made by an employee of the owner shall be guilty of an offense established in Section 260.010 of this Chapter. If a vending machine is in violation of the sign required by Section 260.020 of this Chapter, the owner of the establishment shall be guilty of an offense under this Chapter. If a sample is distributed by an employee of a company conducting the sampling, such employee shall be guilty of an offense under this Chapter.
[Ord. No. 386 §5, 10-5-1992]
Any person who violates this Chapter shall be fined:
For the first offense: $25.00.
For the second offense: $100.00.
For a third offense and subsequent offense: $250.00.
[Ord. No. 386 §6, 10-5-1992]
No person shall be liable for more than one (1) violation of this Chapter on any single day.