A person commits the offense of "driving while intoxicated" if he/she operates a motor vehicle while in an intoxicated or drugged condition. No person convicted of or pleading guilty to the offense of driving while intoxicated shall be granted a suspended imposition of sentence for such offense, unless such person shall be placed on probation for a minimum of two (2) years.
[Ord. No. 2001-5, 9-10-2001]
A person commits the offense of "driving with excessive blood alcohol content" if such person operates a motor vehicle in this City with eight-hundredths of one percent (.08%) or more by weight of alcohol in such person's blood.
As used in this Section, "percent by weight of alcohol" in the blood shall be based upon grams of alcohol per one hundred (100) milliliters of blood or two hundred ten (210) liters of breath and may be shown by chemical analysis of the person's blood, breath, saliva or urine. For the purposes of determining the alcoholic content of a person's blood under this Section, the test shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Sections 577.020 to 577.041, RSMo.
Any person who operates a motor vehicle upon the public highways of this City shall be deemed to have given consent to, subject to the provisions of Sections 577.020 to 577.041, RSMo., a chemical test or tests of the person's breath, blood, saliva or urine for the purpose of determining the alcohol or drug content of the person's blood if arrested for any offense arising out of acts which the arresting officer had reasonable grounds to believe were committed while the person was driving a motor vehicle while in an intoxicated or drugged condition. The test shall be administered at the direction of the arresting Law Enforcement Officer whenever the person has been arrested for the offense.
The implied consent to submit to the chemical tests listed in Subsection (A) of this Section shall be limited to not more than two (2) such tests arising from the same arrest, incident or charge.
Chemical analysis of the person's breath, blood, saliva, or urine to be considered valid pursuant to the provisions of Sections 577.020 to 577.041, RSMo., shall be performed according to methods approved by the State Department of Health by licensed medical personnel or by a person possessing a valid permit issued by the State Department of Health for this purpose.
The person tested may have a physician, or a qualified technician, chemist, registered nurse, or other qualified person at the choosing and expense of the person to be tested, administer a test in addition to any administered at the direction of a Law Enforcement Officer. The failure or inability to obtain an additional test by a person shall not preclude the admission of evidence relating to the test taken at the direction of a Law Enforcement Officer.
Upon the request of the person who is tested, full information concerning the test shall be made available to him/her.
[Ord. No. 2001-5, 9-10-2001]
Upon the trial of any action or violation of this Chapter or of any action alleged to have been committed by any person driving a motor vehicle while intoxicated, the amount of alcohol in the person's blood at the time of the act alleged as shown by chemical analysis of the person's breath is admissible in evidence; and if there was eight-hundredths of one percent (.08%) or more of alcohol in the person's blood this shall be prima facie evidence that the person was intoxicated at the time the specimen was taken.
[CC 1984 §75.090]
A person commits the offense of transporting an open beer or liquor container if a container of non-intoxicating beer, malt liquor, or intoxicating liquor (as those terms are defined in Section 600.010 of this Code) is found to be open (that is available for ready consumption) within a vehicle which that person has under his/her control or in which that person is a passenger.