[Ord. No. 1986-3 §1, 1986]
All landowners applying for City water, sewer or sanitation must certify that the property to which services are to be delivered are in compliance with all Zoning Codes and Building Codes then in force by the City. The City Building Inspector shall verify compliance with such ordinances prior to commencement of said services.
[Ord. No. 1986-3 §2, 1986]
No application for City water, sewer or sanitation services shall be honored or processed for any property found to be in violation of any of the provisions of Titles IV and V of this Code. Properties already receiving City utilities may also be discontinued from such service subject to the following procedure.
[Ord. No. 1986-3 §3, 1986]
Any time a property is found to be in violation of the provisions of Titles IV and V of this Code any existing services of water, sewer or sanitation may be discontinued. A written notice by ordinary mail shall be sent to the landowner of the proposed discontinuance of service. The landowner shall have ten (10) days from either the denial of his/her application for service or, in the case of a proposed discontinuance, the date of mailing of said notice in which to file a written request for review by the Board of Aldermen. Should such a request be filed, no existing service shall be discontinued until review by the Board of Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen shall review the decision to discontinue service at their next regular meeting allowing all interested parties to address them. After hearing all the evidence, the Board of Aldermen shall either affirm, reverse or modify the decision to discontinue service based upon the facts presented.
[Ord. No. 1986-3 §4, 1986]
Discontinuance of service before the end of any billing period shall not excuse payment for the services rendered during the partial period. The party in whose name such City services are being billed at the time of discontinuance shall be responsible for payment of services up through the date of discontinuance.
[Ord. No. 1986-3 §5, 1986]
Anything in this Chapter notwithstanding, the above services shall not be discontinued on any individual lot or tract whose non-compliance to Titles IV and V of this Code, are excused as a use predating the adoption of said Zoning and Building Code ordinances so long as such non-compliance has continued uninterrupted to the date of proposed discontinuance. The property owner shall have the burden of proof on such matters.