The city hereby establishes guidelines for the display of the flag of the United States of America, the Wisconsin State flag, the City of Monroe City Flag, and the display of ceremonial flags. Use of city flagpoles is not intended to serve as a forum for free expression by the public, its citizens or by special interest groups.
It is the policy of the city that flags shall be displayed in conformance with the federal policies, as stated in the Federal "Our Flag" publication of the Congress, House Document No. 108-97.
Outdoor flags will be flown at city facilities in the following order of precedence; first, the United States flag; second, the Wisconsin State flag; third, the City of Monroe City flag.
Weather permitting, flags should be displayed daily in front of or at a location near City Hall, the Senior Center, the Street Department Complex, the Airport, and all fire facilities during business hours.
Flags should not be displayed in inclement weather. However, all-weather flags may be flown on a twenty-four-hour basis as long as they are illuminated from sunset to sunrise. The City Hall flags shall be all-weather flags, shall be flown on a twenty-four-hour basis and shall be illuminated at night.
The Wisconsin State flag and City of Monroe flag may be flown wherever there are sufficient poles to do so in accordance with Subsection (B) above. The city flag may be displayed on the same pole with, and underneath the state flag, whenever the pole is of sufficient height.
New city facilities where any flags are to be flown shall be constructed with a pole sufficient to allow the United States and Wisconsin State flags to be flown.
On recognized federal and/or state holidays, and on other special occasions as listed below, flags should be flown from all locations listed in Subsection (B) above.
January 1, New Year's Day.
January 20 (2021, 2025, 2029, etc., every fourth year) on the day the President of the United States is inaugurated.
Third Monday in January, Martin Luther King's birthday.
Third Monday in February, Presidents' Day.
Second Sunday in May, Mother's Day.
Third Saturday in May, Armed Services Day.
Last Monday in May, Memorial Day. The flags to be flown at half-staff (first raise to top, then slowly lower to half-staff) until noon and at full staff from noon until sunset.
Third Sunday in June, Father's Day.
June 14, Flag Day.
June 19, Juneteenth Day.
July 4, Independence Day.
First Monday in September, Labor Day.
September 17, Constitution Day.
Second Monday in October, Columbus Day.
The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of a presidential election year and gubernatorial election days.
November 11, Veteran's Day.
Fourth Thursday in November, Thanksgiving Day.
December 25, Christmas Day.
State holidays.
Special occasions of federal, state, and local proclamation.
The Mayor may order flags to be lowered to half-staff, including, but not limited to, flags of the United States of America and State of Wisconsin, in honor of the death of a city employee killed in the line of duty.
The city's flagpoles are not intended to serve as a forum for free expression by the public. The following flags may be displayed by the city as an expression of the city's official sentiments:
Flags of governments recognized by the United States. Flags of the governments recognized by the United States may be displayed upon the request of the Mayor.
Flags of Sister Cities. The flags of official Sister Cities of the City of Monroe may be displayed in conjunction with an event involving the Sister City.
Flags displayed in conjunction with official ceremonial items. Other flags may be displayed in conjunction with official actions, ceremonial items, or proclamations of the City Council.
The Administrative Services Director, or his or her designee, is responsible for ensuring the proper execution of this policy at all city facilities.