[1969 Code; 2016 Code]
Names may be assigned to streets by action of the council. The names of streets and avenues shall be indicated on the official map of the city. To maintain a systematic numbering of streets within the city, the following plan shall be generally followed.
Streets running east and west shall be called streets and numbered consecutively.
Streets running north and south shall be known as avenues and shall be numbered consecutively.
[1969 Code; 2016 Code]
There shall be posted in a conspicuous place and at opposite corners of every street intersection one or more street signs plainly and legibly designating the names of the intersecting streets.
[1969 Code; 1977 Code; 2016 Code; 4-15-2024]
The owners and occupants of all dwelling houses and places of business shall number the same and shall place and maintain thereon suitable numbers in a conspicuous place on the front of such dwelling and place of business.
System of numbering. To maintain a systematic numbering of buildings within the city, the frontage shall be divided into spaces of 20 feet each as far as practicable and to each such space shall be assigned its appropriate number according to the following plan:
On streets running east and west in the city, the numbering shall commence at Fifth Avenue with number 500 and increment by 100 within each block to the east and decrement by 100 within each block to the west. Odd numbers shall be given in progressive or degressive order on the north side of the street, even numbers shall be given in progressive or degressive order on the south side of the street.
On avenues running north and south the numbering shall commence at Fifth Street with number 500 and increment by 100 within each block to the south and decrement by 100 within each block to the north. Odd numbers shall be given in progressive or degressive order on the west side of the avenues and even numbers shall be given in progressive or degressive order on the east side of the avenues.
Also, there shall be two base lines: 1st Avenue and 1st Street: 1st Avenue shall be the base line for the east and west halves of the city; 1st Street shall be the base line for the north and south halves of the city. The numbering method shall be as follows: Any street west of 1st Avenue shall have a "W" preceding the street number, e.g., W 5th Street. Any street north of 1st Street shall end with the direction "north," e.g., 5th Street North. Also any avenue north of 1st Street shall have an "N" preceding the avenue number, e.g., N 5th Avenue. Any avenue west of 1st Avenue shall end with the direction west, e.g., 5th Avenue West.
For all other streets and avenues that are West of State Highway 81 and North of 1st Street, all streets and avenues shall contain the prefix N.W. before the street name or number, e.g., N.W. 5th Street or N.W. 5th Avenue.
Placing numbers. Every property owner in the city having a residence or any business establishment shall place a number upon each building in a conspicuous place where the same can be seen at all times. Numbers used shall not be less than 2 1/2 inches in height. If any person fails to comply with this requirement, the same shall be done without notice by the city and the actual expense shall be charged to the party owning such property.