[Adopted 12-1-2016 by Ord. No. 70-2016]
Multiple peddlers are permitted to sell under one event license for an event for which the peddler is involved. The event license is only good for one event. Event licenses are temporary in nature, not annual. It is the responsibility of those manager(s)/organizer(s) of said event to obtain the event license and gather the peddlers' information including the number of peddlers an event is going to have and what the event is going to be. It shall be at the discretion of the Director of Licensing, Inspections and Permits to determine if proposed event shall qualify for an event license.
Event license fee.
The manager(s)/organizer(s) of the event is responsible for payment of the event license fee. The rates for event licenses are as follows:
[Amended 11-29-2022 by Ord. No. 37-2022[1]]
5 to 10 peddlers
11 to 15 peddlers
16 to 20 peddlers
21 to 25 peddlers
26 to 50 peddlers
51 + peddlers
Editor's Note: This ordinance provided an effective date of 1-1-2023.
If an event does not procure an event license, then any peddler participating in or involved with the event is responsible for obtaining an individual peddler's license under and pursuant to the prior ordinances and/or resolutions of the City of Scranton regarding peddlers.
Any person, firm, business, corporation, partnership, limited-liability company, or unincorporated association violating any provision of this article, shall upon conviction thereof, be guilty of a summary offense, and shall be fined not to exceed $1,000 for any one offense, recoverable with costs, together with judgment or imprisonment not to exceed 30 days or both. Each day that the violation continues shall be considered a separate offense.