The following words and phrases shall have the particular meaning
specified in the purpose of interpreting this article:
The plugging of the well and the restoration of any well
site as required by this article.
A means of providing vehicular or pedestrian ingress and
egress to and from a property.
The all-encompassing noise level associated with a given
environment, being a composite of sounds from all sources at the location,
constituting the normal or existing level of environmental noise at
a given location.
Any person, owner, partnership, company, corporation and its subcontractors or agents who has an interest in real estate for the purpose of exploring or drilling for, producing, or transporting oil or gas or mineral extraction or otherwise seeking to take actions described in Article
X herein.
A landscaped area of a certain depth specified by this article
which shall be planted and maintained in trees, grass, ground cover,
shrubs, bushes or other natural landscaping material and shall consist
of a mix of types and sizes of plant material which, within three
years of planting, meets the standard of providing a compact year-round
visual screen at least six feet in height or an existing natural barrier,
such as vegetation and/or topography, which duplicates the effect
of the required buffer area, provided the natural barrier is maintained
with vegetation or landscaping at all times. The vertical distance
measured from the average elevation of the finished grade at the front
of the building to the highest point of the roof for flat roofs, to
the decklines of mansard roofs, and to the mean height between eaves
and ridge for gable, hip and gambrel roofs.
A building designed and constructed so that all exterior
walls shall be solid from the ground to the roofline, containing no
openings except for windows and doors which are designed so that they
may be closed, and any other small openings required for the ventilation
A use authorized by this article which may be granted only
by the Borough Council following review by the Planning Commission
and a public hearing subject to express standards and criteria contained
in this article.
A unit for measuring the intensity of a sound/noise and is
equal to 10 times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of the
measured sound pressure squared to a reference pressure which is 20
The Department of Environmental Protection of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania.
Any portable framework, tower, mast and/or structure which
is required or used in connection with drilling or reworking a well
for the production of gas.
A curb cut on or a private driveway leading directly to a
public street right-of-way. In the case of the requirement for direct
vehicular access to an arterial or collector street, the point of
access shall be onto the arterial or collector street without traversing
any other public street right-of-way.
A nonproducing gas well used for the storage of liquid waste.
NATURAL GAS COMPRESSOR STATIONA facility designed and constructed to compress natural gas that originates from an oil and gas well or collection of such wells operating as a midstream facility for delivery of oil and gas to a transmission pipeline, distribution pipeline, natural gas processing plant or underground storage field, including one or more natural gas compressors, associated buildings, pipes, valves, tanks and other equipment.
NATURAL GAS PROCESSING PLANTA facility designed and constructed to remove materials such as ethane, propane, butane, and other constituents or similar substances from natural gas to allow the natural gas to be of such quality as is required or appropriate for transmission or distribution to commercial markets, but not including facilities or equipment that are/is designed and constructed primarily to remove water, water vapor, oil or naturally occurring liquids from natural gas.
GATHERING SYSTEM FACILITYA facility associated with a gathering system or water collection line such as a drip station, vent station, pigging facility, chemical injection station, or transfer pump station,
Digging or boring a new well for the purpose of exploring
for, developing or producing gas or other hydrocarbons, or for the
purpose of injecting gas, water or any other fluid or substance into
the earth.
The derrick, together with all parts of and appurtenances
to such structure every piece of apparatus, machinery or equipment
used or erected or maintained for use in connection with drilling.
A private vehicular way providing access between a street
and a parking area or garage located on a lot.
Temporary geologic or geophysical activities, drilling in
context with the zoning definition in this article, including seismic
surveys, related to the search for natural gas or other subsurface
The primary building(s), support structure(s) and associated
appurtenances designed, constructed, and maintained to operate a natural
gas well pad, compressor station or processing plant.
Any person or entity partnership, company, corporation and
its subcontractors and agents who has a desire to install and/or operate
a natural gas compressor station.
The construction of, alteration, improvement, upgrade, or
expansion to a natural gas compressor station or processing plant
that results in an increase of the gross floor area of the primary
building and the paved area of the pad area which, in combination,
totals 2,000 square feet or more. The term "facility work" shall include
the initial construction of the facility but shall not include typical
maintenance to or operation of an existing facility. Any construction
of, alteration, improvement, upgrade, or expansion to a facility that
results in a less than s.f. figure presented shall not be considered
facility work.
The process of flowing a completed/fractured well for the
purpose of recovering water and residual sand from the gas stream
prior to sending gas down a sales line.
The process of injecting water; sand, customized fracking
fluid, steam, or gas into a gas well to allow or to improve gas recovery
of a rock formation.
Water obtained from a potable water source of the commonwealth
such as a hydrant, stream, lake, water well, spring, or other source
that has not been treated or utilized in commercial or industrial
A pit used for the collection and storage of fresh water
for the purpose of fracture stimulation of gas wells.
Any fluid, either combustible or noncombustible, which is
produced in a natural state from the earth, and which maintains a
gaseous or rarified state.
Any well drilled, to be drilled, or used for the intended
or actual production of natural gas.
Water in that portion of the generally recognized hydrologic
cycle which occupies the pore spaces and fractures of saturated subsurface
materials. Groundwater often supplies wells and springs and is often
withdrawn for domestic, agricultural, municipal, industrial, and other
beneficial uses.
Any material designated as a hazardous material under the
terms and provisions of the Pennsylvania Solid Waste Management Act
of 1980 and/or any regulations promulgated thereunder by the Pennsylvania
Department of Environmental Protection and designated as "hazardous
Any well which aids the placing of fluids underground in
porous rock formations like limestone and sandstone, or below in the
shallow soil layer.
A category of land use, including residential, commercial,
industrial, and public and private education which is shown on a subdivision
plat for properties within an approved illustrative site plan which
indicates the intended use and establishes the applicable zoning regulations
for development of a lot or tract within an approved illustrative
site plan.
Any site licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental
Protection (PA DEP) for the disposal of solid waste, other than hazardous
waste, as defined and regulated by federal statute.
The legal or beneficial owner or owners of land, including
the holder of an option or contract to purchase (whether or not such
option or contract is subject to any condition), a lessee if he is
authorized under the tease to exercise the rights of the landowner,
or other person having a proprietary interest in land.
A plan prepared by a registered architect or a registered
landscape architect, identifying each tree and shrub by size, type,
and scientific name, indicating balled and burlapped or bare root,
and location. The plan shall include a planting diagram and such other
diagrams or reports necessary to show the method of planting, staking,
and mulching, grass seeding specifications and mixtures and existing
trees over 10 inches in diameter at breast height.
Areas of moderate to high susceptibility to landsliding produced
by the influence of natural and/or man-made activity.
A device that raises the pressure of a compressible fluid
(gas) in order to lift gas from the well.
The processing and fabrication of certain materials and products
where no process involved will produce noise, vibration, water pollution,
fire hazard or noxious emissions which will disturb or endanger neighboring
properties. Light manufacturing includes, but is not limited to, the
production of the following goods: home appliances, electrical instruments,
office machines, precision instruments, electronic devices, timepieces,
jewelry, optical goods, musical instruments, novelties, wood products,
printed material, lithographic plates, type composition, machine tools,
dies and gauges, ceramics, apparel, lightweight nonferrous metal castings,
film processing, light sheet metal products, plastic goods, pharmaceutical
goods, food products, not including animal slaughtering, curing or
rendering of fats, and similar activities.
A device that raises the pressure of a compressible fluid
(gas) in order for the gas to be transported through a pipeline.
The mechanical or chemical transformation of raw materials
or substances into new products or other raw materials, including
the assembling of component parts, the manufacturing of products and
the blending of materials into finished or semifinished products.
Any extraction of any mineral for sale or other commercial
purpose, other than incidental mineral removal, as defined herein,
which involves removal of the surface of the earth or exposure of
the mineral or subsurface of the earth to wind, rain, sun, or other
elements of nature. The term "mineral" includes, but is not limited
to, anthracite and bituminous coal, lignite, limestone and dolomite,
sand, gravel, rock, stone, earth, slag, ore, vermiculite, clay and
other mineral resources, excluding mining activities carried out beneath
the surface of the earth by means of shafts, tunnels or other underground
mine openings. This definition specifically excludes oil and gas development.
A facility designed and constructed to compress natural gas
that originates from an oil and gas well or a collection of such wells
operating as a midstream facility for continued delivery of oil and
gas to a transmission pipeline, distribution pipeline, natural gas
processing plant or underground storage field, including one or more
natural gas compressors, associated buildings, pipes, valves, tanks,
and other equipment.
A facility designed and constructed to remove materials such
as ethane, propane, butane, and other constituents or similar substances
from natural gas to allow such natural gas to be of such quality as
is required or appropriate for transmission or distribution to commercial
markets but not including facilities or equipment that are designed
and constructed primarily to remove water, water vapor, oil or naturally
occurring liquids from natural gas.
The well site preparation, well site construction, drilling,
hydraulic fracturing, and/or site restoration associated with an oil
and gas well of any depth; water and other fluid storage, impoundment
and transportation used for such activities; and the installation
and use of all associated equipment, including tanks, meters, and
other equipment and structures whether permanent or temporary; and
the site preparation, construction, installation, maintenance and
repair of oil and gas pipelines and associated equipment and other
equipment and activities associated with the exploration for, production
and transportation of oil and gas, but excluding any structure, facility
or use constituting a natural gas compressor station or a natural
gas processing plant.
Any person or entity, partnership, company, corporation and
its subcontractors and agents who has an interest in real estate for
the purpose of exploring or drilling for, producing, or transporting
oil or gas. It is also the person or entity designated as the operator
on the applicable permit application or well/facility registration.
The distance specified by this article from the entire boundary
of a site proposed for a planned residential development, planned
commercial development, planned educational campus, planned industrial
park, or planned economic development in which no principal or accessory
structures are permitted.
All parts of those physical facilities through which gas,
hazardous liquids, fresh water, salt water, or chemicals move in transportation,
including but limited to pipe, valves and other appurtenances attached
to pipe, whether or not laid in public or private easement or public
or private right-of-way within the Borough, including but not limited
to gathering lines, production lines and transmission lines. This
definition does not include pipelines associated with franchise utilities.
The initiation of any excavation or other disturbance of
property for the purpose of installation, construction, maintenance,
repair, replacement, modification, or removal of a pipeline.
Any person owning, operating or responsible for operating
a pipeline.
A permit for the movement of gas, oil, water or other products
through pipelines issued by the federal government, state, local or
other applicable authority.
Any full-time occupied residence, commercial business, school,
religious institution or other public building that may be impacted
by noise generated from activity associated with oil and gas well
development and/or natural gas compressor station or processing plant.
This term shall not include any structure:
Owned by a grantor or lessor who has signed an agreement granting
surface rights to drill a well and/or erect and maintain a natural
gas compressor station or processing plant; or
Whose owner (or occupants) has (have) signed a waiver relieving
the operator(s) from implementation of the measures established in
this article for the owner's (occupants') benefit.
Notice published once each week for two successive weeks
in a newspaper of general circulation in the Borough. Such notice
shall state the time and place of the hearing and the particular nature
of the matter to be considered at the hearing. The first publication
shall not be more than 30 days and the second publication shall not
be less than seven days from the date of the hearing.
Deepening or sidetrack/horizontal drilling of the existing
well bore extending more than 150 feet from said well bore.
Reentry of existing well within the existing bore hole or
by deepening or sidetrack/horizontal operations (which do not extend
more than 150 feet horizontally from the existing well bore) or replacement
of well liners or casings.
The total area within the boundary lines of a site proposed
for development, expressed in acres or square feet.
The degree of rise or descent of the land surface calculated
by dividing the number of feet of vertical rise/descent in elevation
by the number of feet of horizontal distance, expressed as a percentage.
An analysis prepared by a qualified traffic engineer analyzing
the expected trip generation from a proposed development using the
Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) current standards and
the impact of the traffic generated by the proposed development on
the capacities and levels of service of all streets and intersections
in the vicinity of the site.
A lined depression excavation pit or facility situated in
or upon the ground, whether natural or artificial, used to store fresh
A lined depression excavation pit or facility situated in
or upon the ground, whether natural or artificial, used to store wastewater
fluid, including but not limited to brine, fracturing fluid, produced
water, recycled water, impaired water, flowback water, or any other
fluid that does not satisfy the definition of "fresh water."
A bore hole drilled or being drilled for the purpose of or
to be used for producing, extracting, or injecting any gas, petroleum
or other liquid related to oil or gas production or storage, including
brine disposal, but excluding bore holes drilled to produce potable
water to be used as such.
A graded pad designed and constructed for the drilling of
one or more oil and gas wells.