[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Wall 11-8-1978 as Sec. 2-14 of the Revised General Ordinances. Amendments noted where applicable.]
A voucher and/or an approved purchase order shall be attached to a detailed statement of services rendered or supplies furnished and shall be signed by the claimant and submitted to the Chief Financial Officer of the Township. The Township Chief Financial Officer shall cause the voucher and/or purchase order to be countersigned by the department head or Township official having knowledge of the validity of the claim.
The Chief Financial Officer shall prepare and certify as accurate a check register which shall be dated and set forth the check number, date, amount, payee, and purpose of each check and the total dollar amount of all checks, vouchers and/or purchase orders to be submitted to the Township Committee for approval.
The Township Administrator or, in his absence, the Chief Financial Officer, shall review all vouchers listed on the check register and then submit the same to the Township Committee with recommendations as to which should and which should not be paid.
A majority of the Township Committee shall review a voucher report prepared on a monthly basis by the Chief Financial Officer. The voucher report shall include a purchase order, number, vendor, amount, and department. If the Township Committee finds the voucher report to be acceptable, it shall execute a certification, which shall be attached to each voucher report. The Township Committee shall at all times have the option of reviewing individual vouchers prior to the execution of the certification. Following the approval of the voucher report, the vouchers shall be returned to the finance office.
A certified check register, as prepared by the Chief Financial Officer, shall be provided to the Township Committee at the regular meeting following the executive meeting at which time the vouchers were approved. The Township Committee at the regular meeting shall approve the vouchers for payment by a motion, second, and roll-call vote.
The motion for approval shall be in the following form: "I move that all vouchers set forth on the certified check register, dated (date), totaling (amount), as audited by the Township Committee be ordered paid."
[Amended 9-12-2012 by Ord. No. 15-2012; 8-27-2014 by Ord. No. 18-2004; 12-28-2016 by Ord. No. 15-2016]
Each check shall be signed on behalf of the Township by no fewer than three of the following Township officials: the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor, the Township Administrator, the Chief Financial Officer, the Township Clerk. In the absence of the Chief Financial Officer, the Assistant Chief Financial Officer may sign. In the absence of the Township Administrator, the Assistant Township Administrator may sign. In the absence of the Clerk, the Deputy Clerk may sign.
There is hereby established a book of claims of the Township of Wall in which shall be filed copies of the certified check register approved as provided herein. The book of claims shall be maintained by the Township bookkeeper and shall be opened to public inspection during regular business hours at the convenience of the finance office.
All vouchers approved as provided herein shall be filed in the office of the Chief Financial Officer and shall be opened to public inspection at the convenience of the finance office.