[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Wall as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 11-8-1978 as Sec. 3-18 of the Revised General Ordinances]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any act of the Township Committee which it is requested to take on behalf of any property owner, developer or contract purchaser of property located within the Township, which rests within the sound discretion of the Township Committee and which it is not obligated by law to approve, issue or endorse. Such acts include, by way of example and not by way of limitation, the issuance of any permit or license under any ordinance of the Township which relates in any way to the use or development of any property or the conduct of any business enterprise thereon; the endorsement or approval of any application for a highway occupancy permit, road opening permit, utility opening permit, sewer extension permit; or any other permit or license issued by any other governmental agency which requires the endorsement of the Township Committee.
Prior to the issuance of any permit or the taking of any discretionary act by the Township Committee, the Township Clerk shall ascertain the status of real property tax and assessment payments for the property which will directly or indirectly benefit from the permit or discretionary act, and shall report such information to the Township Committee. The Township Committee shall include in any resolution adopted authorizing the taking of any such discretionary act a condition that, prior to the execution of any permit, license or endorsement or the performance of any other discretionary act, a certification be received by the Township Clerk from the Tax Collector that all real property taxes and assessments pertaining to the property directly or indirectly benefited by the discretionary act are current and that no real property taxes or assessments are then due and owing.
No Township official or employee shall issue any permit or license, execute any endorsement on a permit, license or application or perform any other discretionary act on behalf of the Township until such time as the employee or official has received a certification from the Tax Collector that all real property taxes and assessments pertaining to the property directly or indirectly benefited by the permit, license or discretionary act are current and that no such taxes or assessments are then due and owing.
All ordinances of the Township of Wall pertaining to the issuance of permits, licenses or other approvals or endorsements shall be and are hereby amended to include as a precondition to such issuance a requirement that all real property taxes and assessments pertaining to the property to be benefited directly or indirectly by such discretionary act shall be current and that no such taxes or assessments shall be due and owing at the time the permit or license is issued or discretionary act performed, except in such cases where such a condition would violate an applicable provision of state law.
[Adopted 9-8-2010 by Ord. No. 13-2010]
The Tax Collector shall provide any party entitled to redeem a certificate two calculations of the amount required for redemption within one calendar year at no cost.
Any additional request by a party after the two calculations of the amount required to redeem shall be provided to the party for a fee of $50.
All requests for a redemption calculation shall be made in writing to the Tax Collector.
A plaintiff (except a municipality) seeking to foreclose a tax lien shall not recover any search fees, counsel fees or other fees when foreclosing on a tax lien unless the plaintiff gives all persons entitled to redeem 30 days' notice, by certified mail, of the intention to file this complaint.
The notice shall include the amount due on such tax lien as of the date of the notice.
The Tax Collector shall charge the lien holder seeking to file the foreclosure complaint $50 for the calculation of the amount due to redeem the tax lien.
A request for the redemption calculation shall be in writing and specify the date for the calculation, which shall be the date of the notice.
Neither the Tax Collector nor the municipality shall be liable for an incorrect calculation.
The fee paid to the Township under this section shall not become part of the lien and shall not be passed on to any party entitled to redeem the tax lien under N.J.S.A. 54:5-54.
The Tax Collector shall mail a notice of tax sale to each interested party by regular or certified mail. The mailing shall be in lieu of any two publications of the notice. The cost for the mailing shall not exceed $25 per set of notices and shall be added to the cost of the tax sale for the particular property in addition to those provided in N.J.S.A. 54:5-38.