[HISTORY: Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Oconto Falls 5-14-2024 by Ord. No. 24-005.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also superseded former Ch. 238, Fair Housing, adopted 9-7-1983 as Ch. 10D.
§ 106.50, Wisconsin Statutes, as it currently exists or is subsequently revised, is incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth.
§ 66.1011, Wisconsin Statutes, as it currently exists or is subsequently revised, is incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth.
For the purposes of construction of this chapter, all references to the Wisconsin Statutes shall be as those statutes currently exist or as they may be hereafter revised.
The intent and declaration of policy of this chapter are as set forth in §§ 106.50(1) and 66.1011(1), Wisconsin Statutes, respectively.
City of Oconto Falls hereby endorses the concepts of fair and open housing for all persons and prohibition of discrimination therein.
This chapter provides a means for the implementation and enforcement of these concepts.
In this chapter, definitions are as set forth in §§ 66.1011(1m) and 106.50(1m), Wisconsin Statutes.
This chapter prohibits discrimination in housing as set forth in §§ 66.1011(2) and 106.50(2), (2m) & (2r), Wisconsin Statutes.
Any act required to be performed or prohibited by §§ 66.1011(2) and 106.50(2), (2m) & (2r), Wisconsin Statutes is required or prohibited by this chapter.
The exemptions and exclusions from this chapter are as set forth in § 106.50(5m), Wisconsin Statutes.
The officials and employees of City of Oconto Falls, Wisconsin shall assist in the orderly prevention and removal of all discrimination in housing within the City of Oconto Falls, Wisconsin by implementing the authority and enforcement procedures set forth in § 106.50, Wisconsin Statutes.
The City of Oconto Falls Clerk shall maintain forms for complaints to be filed under § 106.50, Wisconsin Statutes, and shall assist any person alleging a violation thereof in the City of Oconto Falls, Wisconsin to file a complaint thereunder with the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, Equal Rights Division, for enforcement of § 106.50, Wisconsin Statutes.
Consistent with in § 66.1011(2), Wisconsin Statutes:
A complainant, aggrieved person or respondent to elect to remove the action to circuit court after a finding has been made that there is reasonable cause to believe that a violation of the ordinance has occurred.
City of Oconto Falls, at any time after a complaint has been filed alleging an ordinance violation, may file a complaint in circuit court seeking a temporary injunction or restraining order pending final disposition of the complaint.
A forfeiture, as a penalty for violation of this subsection, is hereby established for an amount that is equal to the statutory forfeitures under § 106.50(6)(h), Wisconsin Statutes.
The enactment, administration or enforcement of this chapter are not exclusive and shall not:
Preclude the governing body from adopting any other ordinance or providing for the enforcement of any other law or ordinance relating to the same or any other matter.
Preclude the proceeding under any other ordinance or law relating to the same or any other matter.
Limit any rights or remedies which may be available to any person.
This amendatory chapter shall be in full force and effect from and after its enactment and publication.