The following is a chronological listing of legislation of the Town of Bethany adopted since the publication of the Code, indicating its inclusion in the Code or the reason for its exclusion. [Enabling legislation which is not general and permanent in nature is considered to be non-Code material (NCM).] Information regarding this list or legislation which is not included in the Code is available from the office of the Town Clerk. The last legislation reviewed for the original publication of the Code was a municipal animal control district agreement adopted 3-23-1992 STM. A complete listing, including disposition, of all legislation reviewed in conjunction with the original publication of the Code is on file in the office of the Town Clerk.
Adoption Date
STM 12-7-1992
Adoption of Code
Ch. 1, Art. I
STM 12-7-1992
Planning and Zoning Commission
Ch. 1, Art. II (see also Ch. 63)
STM 12-7-1992
Bidding amendment
Ch. 12
STM 12-14-1993
Road specifications amendment
Ch. 1, Art. II (see also Ch. 166)
ATM 5-16-1994
Inland Wetlands Commission amendment
Ch. 45
ATM 5-16-1994
Special constables
Ch. 21
STM 3-18-1996
Building construction amendment
Ch. 114
ATM 5-20-1996
Justices of the Peace amendment
Ch. 49
ATM 5-19-1997
Building construction amendment
Ch. 114
ATM 5-19-1997
Scenic roads
Ch. 168
ATM 5-19-1997
Effective date of exemption
Ch. 184, Art. IV
ATM 5-18-1998
Delinquent motor vehicle property tax payments
Ch. 184, Art. V
STM 10-25-1999
Gifts to town
Ch. 41
STM 10-25-1999
Town Officers Committee meeting
Ch. 54, Art. I
STM 10-25-1999
Burglar, fire, holdup and automatic telephone dialer alarms
Ch. 102, Art. I
STM 10-25-1999
Excavations in public roads
Ch. 165, Art. I
STM 10-25-1999
Ch. 194, Art. I
STM 10-25-1999
Election of Board of Assessment Appeals members amendment; Voting for members amendment
Ch. 88, Arts. I and II
STM 2-7-2000
Property tax relief
Ch. 184, Art. VI
ATM 5-15-2000
Property tax relief amendment
Ch. 184, Art. VI
STM 9-28-2000
Sewage disposal amendment
Ch. 170
STM 9-28-2000
Building construction fees amendment
Ch. 114
ATM 5-22-2001
Fees: land-use-related applications amendment
Ch. 129, Art. I
STM 6-25-2002
Property tax relief amendment
Ch. 184, Art. VI
ATM 5-19-2003
Land-use related application fees amendment
Ch. 129, Art. I
ATM 5-19-2003
Building construction amendment
Ch. 114
STM 12-18-2003
Town Attorney
Ch. 9
STM 4-19-2004
Land-use related applications amendment
Ch. 129, Art. I
ATM 5-17-2004
Planning and Zoning Commission amendment
Ch. 63
STM 10-21-2004
Board of Education terms and method of rotation amendment
Ch. 32, Art. I
STM 10-21-2004
Effective date of tax exemption amendment
Ch. 184, Art. IV
STM 1-26-2006
Tax credit program for elderly or dis- abled homeowners
Ch. 184, Art. VII
STM 1-26-2006
Tax exemption for ambulance-type motor vehicles
Ch. 184, Art. VIII
STM 1-26-2006
Planning and Zoning Commission amendment
Ch. 63
STM 10-30-2006
Tax incentive program for owners of business real and personal property
Ch. 184, Art. IX
ATM 5-21-2007
Stormwater management
Ch. 178
STM 11-3-2009
Peddling and soliciting amendment
Ch. 157
STM 11-3-2009
Fees; fines; hearing procedures: fines for land use violations; citation hearing procedure
Ch. 129, Arts. II and III
STM 11-4-2010
Fees; fines; hearing procedures: land-use-related applications amendment
Ch. 129, Art. I
ATM 5-21-2012
Bidding amendment
Ch. 12
ATM 5-21-2012
Conservation Commission amendment
Ch. 20
STM 6-27-2012
Cemetery Commission
Ch. 14
ATM 5-19-2014
Building construction amendment
Ch. 114
STM 7-24-2014
Fees; fines; hearing procedures: land-use-related applications amendment
Ch. 129, Art. I
STM 3-26-2015
Assessor amendment
Ch. 8
STM 3-26-2015
Dog control amendment
Ch. 24
STM 3-26-2015
Economic Development Commission amendment
Ch. 28
STM 3-26-2015
Inland Wetlands Commission amendment
Ch. 45
STM 3-26-2015
Park and Recreation Commission amendment
Ch. 59
STM 3-26-2015
Annual budget report repealer
Ch. 72, reference only
STM 3-26-2015
Board of Selectmen: cemeteries amendment; electors service on Planning and Zoning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals repealer; committee appointments amendment
Ch. 80, Art. I; Ch. 80, Art. III, footnote only; Ch. 80, Art. IV
STM 3-26-2015
Social security amendment
Ch. 84
STM 3-26-2015
Board of Assessment Appeals: election amendment
Ch. 88, Art. I
STM 3-26-2015
Taxation: effective date of exemption amendment
Ch. 184, Art. IV
ATM 5-16-2016
Fees; fines; hearing procedures: land-use-related applications amendment
Ch. 129, Art. I
STM 11-29-2016
Cemetery Commission amendment
Ch. 14
STM 7-27-2017
Bidding Amendment
Ch. 12
STM 7-27-2017
Planning and Zoning Commission Amendment
Ch. 63
STM 7-27-2017
Zoning Board of Appeals: Alternates Amendment
Ch. 97, Art. II
STM 7-27-2017
Vehicles and Traffic: Parking Amendment
Ch. 194, Art. I
STM 1-18-2018
Taxation: Gold Star Families Exemption
Ch. 184, Art. X
Adoption Date
Supp. No.
STM 8-18-2021
Taxation: Bethany Volunteer Firemen's Association Tax Abatement Plan
Repealed 5-16-2022 ATM
ATM 5-16-2022
Taxation: Bethany Volunteer Firemen's Association Tax Abatement Plan
Ch. 184, Art. XI
STM 3-9-2023
Education, Board of: Terms and Method of Rotation Amendment; Elementary Board of Education Repealer
Ch. 32, Art. I; Ch. 32, Art. II, Reference Only
ATM 5-15-2023
Terms of Office: Terms of Elected Town Officials
Ch. 92, Art. II
ATM 5-20-2024
Education, Board of: Terms and Method of Rotation of Elementary Board of Education Amendment; Elections: Biennial Elections Amendment; Planning and Zoning Commission Amendment; Terms of Office: Town Clerk, Registrars of Voters, Tax Collector and Town Treasurer Amendment; Zoning Board of Appeals: Establishment Amendment; Alternates Amendment
Ch. 32, Art. I; Ch. 36, Art. I; Ch. 63; Ch. 92, Art. I; Ch. 97, Art. I; Ch. 97, Art. II