[HISTORY: Adopted by the Township Committee of the Township of Cinnaminson 5-28-1968 by Ord. No. 1968-9 (Sec. 2.192 of the 1995 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
Uniform construction codes — See Ch. 220.
Fees — See Ch. 265.
Fencing of swimming pools — See Ch. 269.
Swimming in Delaware River — See Ch. 464.
The following words, terms or phrases as used in this chapter shall have the meanings given herein:
Includes building, erecting, locating, installing or operating a private swimming pool or enlarging an existing private swimming pool or any of its facilities.
Any above-surface type of pool, not stationary or fixed, and capable of being removed for storage.
Includes any stationary or portable pool of water having a water depth in excess of 12 inches or an area greater than 120 square feet, designed, used and maintained, or not used and not maintained, for swimming or bathing purposes by an individual for use by his household and guests, and located on property owned, leased or otherwise used and maintained by the owner of said swimming pool. It shall further mean and include stagnant, fill and draw, flow-through and recirculation pools which are artificially constructed to provide recreational facilities for swimming, bathing or wading or for landscaping esthetics. It shall not include natural outdoor ponds, rivers or lakes in the natural drainage course of the area.
Includes any artificially constructed pool not designed or used for swimming with a maximum area of 120 square feet and a maximum water depth of 12 inches and intended for use by persons incapable of swimming and requiring supervision of their actions.
No person shall construct or maintain upon any premises within the Township any private swimming pool unless he first has applied to the Construction Official and obtained a permit to do so pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and any other applicable ordinance.
The application for a permit shall be accompanied by duplicate plans, specifications and plot plans of the property. The plot plan shall show the accurate location of the proposed pool on the property as well as the location, height and type of all existing or proposed fencing, including the type or height of fencing or enclosure required by this chapter. The application shall also show the means of filling and emptying the pool.
No permit for a private swimming pool shall be issued by the Construction Official unless the plans and specifications comply with this chapter and all other applicable ordinances of the Township.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 269, Fences, Art. I, Swimming Pools and Ponds.
No permit for a private swimming pool shall be issued by the Construction Official where the contour of the land adjacent to the construction does not provide for water, splashed and/or carried and dropped from the pool, being dispersed and prevented from forming a stagnant pool around the swimming pool area.
Upon submission of an application for a permit to construct a swimming pool, an applicant shall pay a filing fee and additional fees as set forth in Chapter 265, Fees.
The above permit fees include the installation of pump, chlorinator and filter, but shall be exclusive of the permit fee required for the erection of any accessory structure or structures to be used in connection with such swimming pool.
No private swimming pool shall be constructed in front of the building line, nor less than 10 feet from any rear or side property line, except existing installations a lesser distance from the property line shall be permitted.
No private swimming pool shall have an area in excess of 10% of the area of the lot upon which it is constructed.
The construction and location of any private swimming pool shall comply with all applicable provisions of Chapter 525, Zoning, and of the Building Code[1] not inconsistent with this chapter.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 220, Construction Codes, Uniform.
Fencing shall be designed and constructed so as to reasonably prevent any person from gaining excess beneath, through or over the same and shall be provided with one or more substantial gates or doors of the same height as the fence. All supporting members of the fencing shall be on the inside of the enclosure.
Fencing shall be constructed in conformance with the requirements of Chapter 269, Fences, of the Cinnaminson Township Code.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Lights used to illuminate any private swimming pool shall be arranged, directed and shaded so that the adjoining premises will not be illuminated by said lights.
All private swimming pools, fences, gates and lighting not in conformance with this chapter at the time of its passage shall be brought into conformance with this chapter within 30 days after final passage of this chapter.
For sanitary operation of pools for swimming and wading, reference to Township Board of Health policy is recommended.
The provisions of this chapter shall be enforced by the Construction Official.
Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall upon conviction thereof be subject to a fine not exceeding the sum of $200 or imprisonment in the county jail for a term not exceeding 90 days. Each day that such a violation continues shall be considered a separate offense.