The Board of Adjustment shall elect a Chairman
and Vice Chairman from its members and shall also select a Secretary
who may or may not be a Board member or another Borough employee.
There is hereby created the office of Attorney
to the Zoning Board of Adjustment. The Zoning Board of Adjustment
may annually appoint, fix the compensation of or agree upon the rate
of compensation of the Zoning Board of Adjustment Attorney, who shall
be an attorney other than the Borough Attorney.
The Zoning Board of Adjustment may also employ
or contract for and fix the compensation of such experts and other
staff and services as it may deem necessary. The Board shall not authorize
expenditures which exceed, exclusive of gifts or grants, the amount
appropriated by the Borough Council for its use.
The Board shall adopt such rules and regulations
as may be necessary to carry into effect the provisions and purposes
of this chapter. In the issuance of subpoenas, administration of oaths
and taking of testimony, the provisions of the County and Municipal
Investigations Law of 1953 (N.J.S.A. 2A:67A-1 et seq.) shall apply.
In exercising the above-mentioned power, the
Board of Adjustment may, in conformity with the provisions of the
Municipal Land Use Law, N.J.S.A. 40:55D-1 et seq., or amendments thereto
or subsequent statutes applying, reverse or affirm wholly or partly
or may modify the order, requirement, decision or determination appealed
from and make such other requirement, decision or determination as
ought to be made, and to be made, and to that end have all the powers
of the administrative officer from whom the appeal was taken.
In addition to and notwithstanding the foregoing,
one or two alternate members of the Zoning Board of Adjustment may
be appointed. Alternate members shall be designated by the Chairman
as "Alternate No. 1" and "Alternate No. 2" and shall serve in rotation
during the absence or disqualification of any regular member or members.
The term of each alternate member shall be two years.
[Added 6-12-2003 by Ord. No. 2003-14]
An application for development shall be complete
for purposes of commencing the applicable time period for action by
the Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment.
A. The Planning Administrator shall be authorized to accept an application as complete for purposes of commencing the applicable time period, provided that an application has fully provided all required information indicated on the Borough of Fort Lee’s Checklists for Development Applications adopted herein and annexed hereto (see Appendix A to Chapter
261 of the General Ordinances of the Borough of Fort Lee).
B. The Planning Administrator shall be authorized to reject an application as incomplete if any required information indicated on the Borough of Fort Lee’s Checklists for Development Applications adopted herein and annexed hereto (see Appendix A to Chapter
261 of the General Ordinances of the Borough of Fort Lee) has not been included as part of the application and no waiver for those required information items has been requested pursuant to Subsection
D of this section.
C. In the event that the Planning Administrator does
not certify the application to be complete within 45 days of the date
of its submission, the application shall be deemed complete upon the
expiration of the forty-five-day period for the purposes of commencing
the applicable time period unless:
The application lacks information indicated on the Borough of Fort Lee’s Checklists for Development Applications adopted herein and annexed hereto (see Appendix A to Chapter
261 of the General Ordinances of the Borough of Fort Lee); and
The Planning Administrator has notified the
applicant, in writing, of the deficiencies in the application within
45 days of the submission of the application.
D. The applicant may request that one or more of the
submission requirements be waived. The Planning Administrator shall
not make a completeness determination until the Planning Board or
the Zoning Board of Adjustment has considered the waiver request(s).
The Planning Board or the Zoning Board of Adjustment shall grant or
deny the request(s) within 45 days from the date of submission. The
Planning Administrator shall make a completeness determination based
on all nonwaived information items. The granting of a waiver shall
not be construed as diminishing the applicant’s obligation to
prove in the application process that he is entitled to approval of
the application.
E. After an application has been determined to be complete,
the Planning Administrator shall schedule the application for consideration
at a hearing of the Planning Board or the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
F. In reviewing an application, the Planning Board or
Zoning Board of Adjustment may require the correction of any information
found to be in error or the submission of additional information not
specified in the Checklists for Development Applications as are reasonably
necessary to make an informed decision on the application. The application
shall not be deemed incomplete for lack of any such additional information.