[Amended 8-5-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-08]
The Township Committee, whenever it shall deem necessary, may appoint special law enforcement officers for terms not exceeding one year. Such appointments may be revoked by the governing body for cause after adequate hearing, unless the appointment is for four months or less, in which event the appointment may be revoked without cause or a hearing. Nothing herein shall be construed to require reappointment upon the expiration of the term. The special law enforcement officers so appointed shall not be members of the police force, and their powers and duties provided for herein shall cease at the expiration of the term for which appointed.
[Amended 10-31-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-12]
No special law enforcement officer may carry a firearm except while engaged in the actual performance of the officer's official duties and when specifically authorized by the Police Director or, in the absence of the Police Director, other chief law enforcement officer of the municipality to carry a firearm and provided that the officer has satisfactorily completed the basic firearms course required by the Commission for regular police officers and annual requalification examinations required for permanent, regularly appointed full-time officers in the local unit. They may be furnished with badges upon the deposit of sums to be fixed by the Township Committee, which may be refunded on the return of the badges. A fee, to be fixed by the Township Committee, may be charged for issuing to any such special law enforcement officer a certificate of appointment.
[Amended 6-10-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-02]
Any special law enforcement officer shall be deemed to be on duty only while performing public safety functions on behalf of the municipality. A special law enforcement officer shall not be deemed to be on duty for purposes of this article while performing private security duties for a private employer. A special law enforcement officer may, however, be assigned by the Police Director to perform public safety functions for a private entity if the Police Director is actually supervising the performance of the public safety functions.
[Amended 6-10-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-02]
Any firearm utilized by a special law enforcement officer shall be returned at the end of the officer's workday to the officer in charge and shall be safely secured unless the firearm is owned by the special law enforcement officer and was acquired in compliance with conditions of employment established by the municipality. Any special law enforcement officer first appointed after the effective date of this article shall only use a firearm supplied by the municipality. No such special law enforcement officer shall carry a revolver or other similar weapon when off duty.
At all times, a special law enforcement officer shall be under the supervision and direction of the Police Director or, in the absence of the Police Director, other chief law enforcement officer of the municipality wherein the officer is appointed and shall perform his duties only in the municipality except when in fresh pursuit of any person pursuant to statute or when authorized to perform duties in another municipality pursuant to a mutual aid agreement enacted in accordance with statute.
[Amended 6-10-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-02]
No person shall be appointed as a special law enforcement officer unless he:
Is a citizen of the United States and the State of New Jersey.
Is able to read, write and speak the English language well and intelligently.
Is sound in body and in good health.
Is of good moral character.
Has not been convicted of any criminal offense involving moral turpitude.
Has successfully undergone the same psychological testing that is required of all full-time police officers in the municipality.
Every applicant for the position of special law enforcement officer appointed pursuant to this article shall have fingerprints taken, which fingerprints shall be filed with the Division of State Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
No person shall be appointed to serve as a special law enforcement officer if already appointed in another municipality, nor shall any permanent, regularly appointed full-time police officer be appointed as a special law enforcement officer in this municipality.
Before any special law enforcement officer is appointed pursuant to this article, the Police Director, or in the absence of the Police Director, other chief law enforcement officer of the municipality shall ascertain the eligibility and qualification of the applicant and report the determinations in writing to the governing body.
[Amended 6-10-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-02]
Nothing herein shall prohibit the appointment of a person who has served as a duly qualified fully trained full-time officer in any other municipality, provided that said person has become permanently separated in good standing from that prior service, in which event the training requirements set forth herein may be waived.
No person may commence his duties as a special law enforcement officer unless he has successfully completed a training course approved in accordance with law, and no special law enforcement officer may be issued a firearm unless he has successfully completed the basic firearms course approved according to law.
Class 1. Officers in this class shall be authorized to perform routine traffic detail, spectator control and similar duties. These such persons may also issue summonses for disorderly persons and petty disorderly persons offenses, violations of municipal ordinances, and violations of Title 39. No such officer shall carry a firearm or be assigned any duties which may require the carrying or use of a firearm.
Class 2. Officers in this class shall be authorized to exercise full powers and duties similar to those of a permanent, regularly appointed full-time police officer. The use of a firearm by an officer in this class may be authorized only after the officer has been fully certified as successfully completing training as prescribed by law.
Every special law enforcement officer, prior to the commencement of his duties, shall be furnished with a uniform which shall identify the officer's function. The uniform shall include, but not be limited to, a hat and appropriate badges which shall bear an identification number or name tag and the name of the municipality. The uniform shall also include an insignia, issued pursuant to law, which clearly indicates the officer's status as a special law enforcement officer and the type of certification issued pursuant to this article.