After the adoption of this chapter, all roads and improvements shall
comply with the following standards of construction before the same are accepted
into the Township road or improvement systems or accepted for full Township
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings
The road and improvement plan approved by the Planning Board of the
Township where a new road or an improvement of any existing road or an individual
improvement is required by virtue of a subdivision or site plan, or a road
or improvement plan approved by the Township Engineer in the case of an existing
road or improvement being improved to Township standards for the purpose of
acceptance into the Township road or improvement system for full municipal
All installations shall follow good engineering and construction practices
as currently used in the area and the standards of design and construction
on the detailed drawings annexed hereto as exhibits and shall further follow those construction practices as set forth
in the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, 1961, as
amended, New Jersey Department of Transportation, commonly referred to as
the "Green Book" (hereafter referred to in this chapter as the "Green Book")
unless modified herein.
[Amended 3-5-1992 by Ord. No. 92-8]
The Township shall only accept and approve roads which adhere to the
current edition of the New Jersey Department of Transportation Standard Specifications
for Road and Bridge Construction.