[Amended 7-3-1996 by Ord. No. 96-22]
A. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to properly
identify off-tract improvements which are solely the responsibility
of the applicant and to otherwise establish the manner to allocate
a pro rata share of the costs for off-tract improvements necessitated
by an application for development.
B. Definition of principles.
(1) As a condition of preliminary subdivision and/or site
plan approval, the municipal agency shall require an applicant to
either install or pay a pro rata share of the costs of providing necessary
circulation and drainage infrastructure improvements, including costs
of land and easements acquisition, off-tract of the property limits
of the subdivision or proposed development but necessitated or required
by the development. "Necessary improvements'' are those which are
rationally related to and necessitated by the proposed development
in question.
(2) The municipal agency shall provide in its resolution
of approval the basis of the required improvements.
(3) The capacity and design of proposed improvements shall
be based upon sources including, but not limited to, the adopted Franklin
Township Master Plan, the Franklin Township Circulation Plan and specifications
for the design of infrastructure. The studies and plans provided for
herein shall address and propose correction of substandard off-tract
(4) Improvements are to be constructed at the expense
of the developer. In cases where the need for off-tract improvements
or sight triangles is created by the proposed subdivision or development
and where no other property owners receive a special benefit thereby
(as opposed to a mere incidental benefit), the applicant shall be
required as a condition of approval and at the applicant's sole expense
to acquire and/or improve lands outside the tract to be developed
and dedicate such lands to Franklin Township or to Hunterdon County,
or, in lieu thereof, the applicant shall deposit with the Township
a sum of money sufficient to allow the Township to acquire and/or
improve such lands on conditions it may deem appropriate under the
(5) The improvements and/or widening of a stream or the
construction of drainage or roadway improvements on the tract to be
developed shall not constitute an off-tract improvement, and the costs
of said improvements shall be borne in their entirety by the applicant.
(6) When the applicant is to install off-tract improvements,
the design of those improvements is to be accomplished by the applicant's
engineer and reviewed by the Township Engineer. Said design is to
be submitted as part of the preliminary plat submittal.
(7) The pro rata amount of the cost of such facilities
shall be based on the criteria contained herein.
C. Cost allocation.
(1) Full allocation. In cases where off-tract improvements
are necessitated by the proposed development and other property owners
do not receive a special benefit thereby, the applicant shall be required,
at its sole expense and as a condition of approval, to provide and
install such improvements.
(2) Pro rata allocation.
Where it is determined that properties outside
the development will also be benefitted by the off-tract improvements,
the following criteria shall be utilized in determining the applicant's
proportionate share of the costs of such improvements.
Allocation formula.
Drainage improvements. The applicant's proportionate
share of stormwater and drainage improvements, including the purchase
of land for easements, the installation or relocation or replacement
of storm drains, culverts, catch basins, manholes, riprap, improvements
of drainage ditches and appurtenances thereto, and installation, relocation
or replacement of other storm drainage facilities or appurtenances
associated therewith, shall be determined as follows:
[a] The capacity and design of the
drainage system to accommodate stormwater runoff shall be based on
a method described in "Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds, Technical
Release 55, Soil Conservation Service USDA," dated June 1986, as amended,
and by methodology currently in use by the New Jersey Department of
Environmental Protection. The estimated cost of proposed improvements
shall be computed by the developer's engineer and approved by the
Township Engineer.
[b] It shall be a rebuttable presumption
that the area of study for and for design of off-tract drainage improvements
shall, as a minimum, address all of the applicant's property, the
watersheds contributing stormwater thereto, the areas of stormwater
runoff from the applicant's property to the points of intersection
with existing drainage systems with capacity to handle anticipated
stormwater flows therefrom and all subsequent downstream structures
within 1,500 feet of the downstream points of intersection.
[c] The required capacity of the enlarged,
extended or improved stormwater management systems for the development
and for contributing watersheds shall be determined by the applicant's
engineer and shall be subject to the approval of the Township Engineer.
The plans for and the estimated cost of the improved systems shall
be prepared by the applicant's engineer and are subject to approval
by the Township Engineer. Unit prices used for the cost estimate shall
be based on current public bid projects in the geographical area.
For those improvements not required solely due to the proposed development
activity, the pro rata share for the proposed improvements shall be
computed as follows:
Applicant's cubic
Applicant's Costs =
feet/second (cfs)
Total Costs
Total cfs
Roadways and transportation facilities. The
applicant's pro rata share of street improvements, alignment, channelization,
barriers, new or improved traffic signalization, signs, curbs, sidewalks,
streetlighting, trees, utility improvements not covered elsewhere,
the construction or reconstruction of new or existing streets and
other associated street or traffic improvements shall be as follows:
[a] The applicant's engineer, in consultation
with the Township Engineer, shall identify road segments and intersections
affected and shall provide the Township Engineer with the existing
and anticipated peak-hour traffic volumes which impact the off-tract
areas in question, which volumes shall analyze pedestrian, bicycle
and motor vehicle traffic.
[b] The applicant shall furnish a study
and concept design for the proposed off-tract improvements. The study
shall include the estimated peak hour traffic to be generated by the
proposed development and the proportion thereof which is allocated
to proposed off-tract improvements. The study shall include calculations
of present and future traffic with traffic counts to support conclusions.
The ratio of the peak-hour traffic generated by the proposed development
which is to be accommodated by the off-tract improvements to the future
peak-hour traffic anticipated to benefit from the proposed off-tract
improvements shall form the basis of the applicant's pro rata share.
It shall be a rebuttable presumption that the design of off-tract
roadway and transportation facilities shall encompass at a minimum
all of the frontage lying within 1,500 feet of the applicant's property.
For those improvements not solely required due to the proposed development
activity, the pro rata share shall be computed as follows:
Applicant's Cost =
Additional Peak-Hour
Traffic Generated
by the Development
Total Costs
of Roadway
Future Total
Peak-Hour Traffic
D. Escrow accounts.
(1) Where proposed off-tract improvements are to be undertaken
at some future date, the monies required for the improvements shall
be deposited in a separate interest-bearing account to the credit
of the Township until such time as the improvement is constructed.
(2) If the off-tract improvement is not begun within 10
years of deposit, all monies and interest shall be returned to the
applicant upon his request. An off-tract improvement shall be considered
begun if the Township has taken legal steps to provide for financing
of such improvement.
E. Redetermination upon completion of improvements.
(1) Upon completion of off-tract improvements required
pursuant to this section, the applicant's responsibility hereunder
shall be recalculated in accordance with the actual, as compared with
the estimated, costs of the improvements. To the extent that actual
pro rata costs of improvements are less than the estimated pro rata
costs, the Township shall forthwith refund the difference to the applicant.
(2) In the event that the payment by the applicant provided
for herein is less than the pro rata share of the actual costs of
the off-tract improvements, then the applicant shall be required to
pay the pro rata additional share of the costs thereof.
F. Referral to the Township committee. Where an application
for development suggests the need for off-tract improvements, whether
to be installed in conjunction with the development in question or
otherwise, the municipal agency may condition its action upon the
applicant's entering into an agreement with the Township for installation
of or payment of a pro rata share of the costs of improvements rationally
related to the proposed development.
G. Implementation of off-tract improvements.
(1) An applicant shall be required to enter into agreement,
subject to the approval of the Township Attorney, with the Township
for installation and/or payment of a pro rata share of off-tract improvements
in accordance with this section and any other ordinances, policies,
rules and regulations of the Township and any authorities or agencies
having jurisdiction therefor.
(2) Where properties outside the subject tract will be
specially benefited by the improvements, the Township Committee may
require the applicant to escrow sufficient funds in accordance with
this section to secure the applicant's pro rata share of the eventual
cost of providing future improvements and/or facilities based on the
standards set forth herein.
(3) If the Township Committee determines that the improvements
shall be installed as a local improvement, all or a part of the cost
of which is to be assessed in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:56-1 et
seq., against properties specially benefitted thereby in proportion
to the benefits conferred by the improvement, then the assessment
against the property which is the subject of the development application
shall be the applicant's pro rata share.
In the cases where reasonable and necessary
drainage improvements and easements therefor are required, located
outside the property limits of the subdivision or development, including
a development subject to site plan review, and where such improvements
are necessitated or required by construction or improvement within
such subdivision or development and where no other property owners
receive a special benefit therefrom, the Board may require the applicant,
as a condition of approval, at the applicant's expense, to provide
for and construct such improvements as if such were on-tract improvements
in the manner provided hereafter and as otherwise provided by law.
The Township Engineer shall review each application
for development and issue written recommendations and/or comments
relative to drainage improvements. The Township Engineer shall forward
a copy of said written recommendations and/or comments to the Township
Committee. The Township Committee shall have 30 days from the date
of the written report of the Township Engineer in which to issue,
in writing, the Township Committee's comments or recommendations on
the issue of drainage improvements. In the event that the Township
Committee fails to issue the aforesaid written comments or recommendations
within 30 days, the Township Committee shall be deemed to be in agreement
with the written report of the Township Engineer.
Should the Board require as a condition of approval
that drainage improvements be provided and constructed by the applicant,
the applicant shall be required to provide a performance guaranty,
running to the Township, in cash, certified check or irrevocable letter
of credit in the amount equal to 120% of the estimated cost of completing
the required drainage improvements. The estimated cost of completing
the required drainage improvements shall be provided by the applicant
and reviewed by the Township Engineer. The Township Engineer's determination
as to the estimated cost shall fix the amount to be posted by the
All moneys deposited by the applicant pursuant to §
310-79 shall be paid over to the Township Treasurer, who shall provide a suitable depository therefor.
The moneys deposited by the applicant or the
irrevocable letter of credit shall be returned to the applicant one
year after completion by the applicant of the required drainage improvements
and written confirmation by the Township Engineer that said improvements
are complete. Within one year after the Township Engineer has confirmed
that the required improvements are complete, the Township Engineer
shall confirm the proper operation of the required improvements, and
thereafter the deposit shall be returned to the applicant.