Members and employees shall conduct their private and professional lives in such a manner as to avoid bringing the Department into disrepute.
Loyalty to the Department and to associates is an important factor in Department morale and efficiency. Members and employees shall maintain loyalty to the Department and their associates as is consistent with the law and personal ethics.
Cooperation between the ranks and units of the Department is essential to effective law enforcement. Therefore, all members are strictly charged with establishing and maintaining a high spirit of cooperation within the Department.
All members are required to take appropriate police action toward aiding a fellow peace officer exposed to danger or a situation where danger might be impending.
Members shall at all times take appropriate action to:
Protect life and property.
Preserve the peace.
Prevent crime.
Detect and arrest violators of the law.
Enforce all federal, state and local laws and ordinances coming within Department jurisdiction.
Members of the Department are always subject to duty, although periodically relieved of their routine performance. They shall at all times respond to the lawful orders of superior officers and other proper authorities, as well as calls for police assistance from citizens. Proper police action must be taken whenever required. The administrative delegation of the enforcement of certain laws and ordinances to particular units of the Department does not relieve members of other units from the responsibility of taking prompt, effective police action within the scope of those laws and ordinances when the occasion so requires. Members assigned to special duties are not relieved from taking proper action outside the scope of their specialized assignment when necessary.
Members and employees shall not commit any act, nor shall they be guilty of any omission, that constitutes neglect of duty.
All members and employees shall perform their duties as required or directed by law, Department rule, policy or order or by order of a superior officer. All lawful duties required by competent authority shall be performed promptly as directed, notwithstanding the general assignment of duties and responsibilities.
Members and employees in doubt as to the nature or detail of their assignment shall seek clarification from their supervisors by going through the chain of command.
Members or employees shall not commit acts of insubordination. The following specific acts are prohibited by this section:
Failure or deliberate refusal to obey a lawful order given by a superior officer.
Any disrespectful, mutinous, insolent or abusive language or action toward a superior officer.
Members and employees shall observe and obey all laws and ordinances, all rules and regulations and orders of the Department.
Members and employees shall not criticize the official actions, instructions or orders or any Department member in a manner which is defamatory, obscene, unlawful or which tends to impair the efficient operation of the Department.
Members and employees shall treat superior officers, subordinates and associates with respect. They shall be courteous and civil at all times in their relationships with one another. When on duty, and particularly in the presence of other members, employees or the public, officers should be referred to by rank.
Orders from a superior to a subordinate shall be in clear, understandable language, civil in tone and issued in pursuit of Department business.
No command or supervisory officer shall knowingly issue any order which is in violation of any law or ordinance or Department rule.
Obedience to an unlawful order is never a defense of an unlawful action; therefore, no member or employee is required to obey any order which is contrary to federal or state law or local ordinance. Responsibility for refusal to obey rests with the member. He shall be strictly required to justify his action.
Members or employees who are given orders which they feel to be unjust or contrary to rules and regulations must first obey the order to the best of their ability, and they may proceed to appeal as provided in § 47-38.
Upon receipt of an order conflicting with any previous order or instruction, the member or employee affected will advise the person issuing the second order of this fact. Responsibility for countermanding the original instruction then rests with the individual issuing the second order. If so directed, the latter command shall be obeyed first. Orders will be countermanded or conflicting orders will be issued only when reasonably necessary for the good of the Department.
A member or employee receiving an unlawful, unjust or improper order shall, at the first opportunity, report in writing to the Captain of Police through official channels. This report shall contain the facts of the incident and the action taken. Appeals for relief from such orders may be made at the same time. Interdepartment action regarding such an appeal shall be conducted through the office of the captain.
Members and employees shall not under any circumstances solicit any gift, gratuity, loan, reward or fee where there is any connection between the solicitation and their Department membership or employment without prior consent of the Mayor and Council.
Members and employees shall not accept, either directly or indirectly, any gift, gratuity, load, fee or any other object of value arising from or offered because of police employment or any activity connected with said employment. Members and employees shall not accept any gift, gratuity, loan, fee or other object of value, the acceptance of which might tend to influence the actions of said members or employees or any other member or employee in any matter of police business or which might tend to cast an adverse reflection on the Department or any member or employee thereof.
Members and employees are prohibited from buying or selling anything of value from or to any complainant, suspect, witness, defendant, prisoner or other person involved in any case which has come to their attention or which arose out of their Department employment.
Members and employees shall not accept any gift, gratuity or reward in money or other compensation for services rendered in the line of duty to the community or any person, business or agency, except lawful salary and that which may be authorized by law.
Members and employees shall not solicit anyone to intercede with the Chief of Police, Police Committee, Mayor or members of the Council in relation to promotion, assignments, disposition of pending charges or findings in a Department trial or other related matter.
Members and employees shall not frequent places of bad reputation nor associate with persons of bad reputation except as may be required in the course of police duty.
Members and employees shall not at any time withhold any information concerning criminal activity.
Members and employees knowing of other members' or employees' violating laws, ordinances or rules of the Department or disobeying orders shall report same in writing to the Chief of Police through official channels. If the member or employee believes that the information is of such gravity that it must be brought to the immediate personal attention of the Chief of Police, official channels may be bypassed.