[Adopted 4-19-1988 by Res. No. 323;[1] amended 4-4-1989 by Res. No. 332; 4-17-1990 by Res. No. 344]
Editor's Note: This resolution superseded former Art. VIII, Commercial Inventory Exemption, adopted 4-21-1987 by Res. No. 312. The preamble to this resolution read as follows:
"WHEREAS, Section 7-108 of the Tax - Property volume of the Annotated Code of Maryland, 1986 Volume, authorizes the governing body of any County, by Ordinance or Resolution, to change the percentage of the total assessed value at which any property described therein can be taxed by reducing the percentage of such inventory to be taxed; and
WHEREAS, Section 7-222 thereof provides under the title "Business stock property" for the possible exemption from City and County taxation the stock in business of every firm, corporation or entity engaged in manufacturing or commercial businesses; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of Section 9A of Article 81 of the Maryland Code, the Wicomico County Council previously determined by its Resolution No. 284, adopted on February 5, 1985, that it is desirable to change the percentage of the total assessed value at which said property should be assessed and, in fact, by said Resolution did provide for the assessment of such "Commercial Inventory" on a basis of 45% rather than the 60% provided at that time in the aforesaid Section of the Annotated Code of Maryland; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions in Section 7-108 and 7-222 of the Tax - Property Volume of the Maryland Code, the Wicomico County Council previously determined by Resolution No. 312, adopted on April 21, 1987, that it was further desirable to change the percentage of the total assessed value which said property should be assessed and, in fact, by said Resolution did provide for the assessment of such "Commercial Inventory" on a basis of 42 1/2% rather than the 45% previously provided;
WHEREAS, the Wicomico County Council has determined that it is desirable to further reduce the percentage of the total assessed value at which such property shall be assessed;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Council of Wicomico County, Maryland, in Executive Session, on the 19th day of April, 1988,..."
[Amended 3-5-2013 by Bill No. 2013-01]
Pursuant to the authority granted in §§ 7-108 and 7-222 of the Tax-Property Volume of the Maryland Code, the percentage of the total assessed value at which commercial inventory shall be assessed for County taxation purposes is as follows:
Twenty-eight percent commencing July 1, 2013,
Twenty-one percent commencing July 1, 2014,
Fourteen percent commencing July 1, 2015,
Seven percent commencing July 1, 2016; and
Zero percent commencing July 1, 2017 and thereafter.