Purpose. The purpose of the C-1 Select Commercial District is to provide locations for retail, office, service and related uses that serve neighborhood and community-wide markets.
The district is designed to encourage the development of uses which require a well-designed environment on moderate-size lots with locations that emphasize visibility and access to a major state or county highway.
Intensive, traditional strip commercial development is discouraged, and specific design standards are established to ensure that the impact of these developments will not create an adverse impact on adjacent areas.
Special design requirements, including landscaping, parking and access control standards, are included in order to ensure development of a high-quality, low-intensity commercial environment compatible with adjacent residential neighborhoods.
Permitted uses. The permitted uses shall be those specified in the Table of Permitted Uses, § 225-67.
Development options: planned business centers, subject to an approved development plan.
General requirements.
Accessory buildings and structures shall be provided for all uses in accordance with the requirements of § 225-59 and the general requirements of Part 6.
Bulk regulations, including lot area, setback requirements and height limitations, shall be provided for all uses in accordance with the general requirements of Part 7.
Lighting shall be provided for all uses in accordance with the requirements of § 225-73.
Signage shall be provided for all uses in accordance with the general requirements of Part 9.
Parking, including access requirements, shall be provided for all uses in accordance with the general requirements of Part 10.
Landscaping shall be provided for all uses in accordance with the general requirements of Part 11.
Supplemental requirements.
A site plan shall be presented to and approved by the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of a building permit or zoning authorization for any use within the C-1 Select Commercial District.
Outside display and/or storage of commercial items shall not be permitted unless specifically approved by the Planning Commission.
Purpose. The purpose of the C-2 General Commercial District is to provide areas for a diversity of economic activities, including the exchange of goods and the provision of services to residents of the county and regional markets.
The districts are located in areas with access to county and state roads and highways where, because of the intensity of land use, these uses can be better served by existing or planned public utilities.
The restrictions set forth herein are designed to ensure a wide range of economic activity, with appropriate design standards, in conveniently located areas, to protect adjacent areas and maintain safe traffic conditions.
Permitted uses. The permitted uses shall be those specified in the Table of Permitted Uses, § 225-67.
Development options: planned business centers subject to an approved development plan.
General requirements. The following supplemental development standards shall apply in the C-2 General Commercial District:
Accessory buildings and structures shall be provided for all uses in accordance with the requirements of § 225-59 and the general requirements of Part 6.
Bulk regulations, including lot area, setback requirements and height limitations, shall be provided for all uses in accordance with general requirements of Part 7.
Lighting shall be provided for all uses in accordance with the requirements of § 225-73.
Signage shall be provided for all uses in accordance with the general requirements of Part 9.
Parking, including access requirements, shall be provided for all uses in accordance with the general requirements of Part 10.
Landscaping shall be provided for all uses in accordance with the general requirements of Part 11.
Purpose. The purpose of the C-3 Regional Commercial District is to provide areas for regional retailing and service commercial activities that require large sites, high visibility and access to major regional highways.
The restrictions set forth herein are designed to ensure a continuous prosperity in the economic development of the community and to locate these districts where they will not be detrimental to adjoining residential areas.
District standards and regulations are designed to protect uses within the district and within adjacent or surrounding districts, to minimize highway congestion and to ensure quality commercial development abutting major highways.
Permitted uses. The permitted uses shall be those specified in the Table of Permitted Uses, § 225-67.
Development options.
Planned business centers (PBC), subject to an approved development plan.
A planned industrial park (PIP) is permitted with a development plan.
General requirements. A development plan shall be submitted to the Planning Commission for all proposed development within the C-3 Regional Commercial District. The following supplemental standards apply to all uses in the C-3 Regional Commercial District:
Accessory buildings and structures shall be provided for all uses in accordance with the requirements of § 225-59 and the general requirements of Part 6.
Bulk regulations, including lot area, setback requirements and height limitations, shall be provided for all uses in accordance with general requirements of Part 7.
Lighting shall be provided for all uses in accordance with the requirements of § 225-73.
Signage shall be provided for all uses in accordance with the general requirements of Part 9.
Parking, including access requirements, shall be provided for all uses in accordance with the general requirements of Part 10.
Landscaping shall be provided for all uses in accordance with the general requirements of Part 11.
Supplemental regulations.
The layout of the development site shall be such that an overall street system may be designed within the development and which will connect with streets or highways to the development in such a way as to provide for the safe and efficient movement of traffic to and within the development.
The design of the development shall be such that necessary utilities may be adequately provided to serve the development.
The development shall be designed in such a manner as to ensure the development's compatibility with adjoining districts and uses.
The layout shall be such that it will lend itself to orderly series or stages of construction to ensure that access and utilities can be provided at a minimum of public expense and effort.
An exterior lighting plan showing the location of exterior lighting fixtures or standards shall be demonstrated on the development plan.
The minimum distance between buildings shall be 20 feet.