[On November 1, 1993, the Board of Selectmen voted to accept the Code of Ethics for Small Cities Administration as the Code of Ethics for the Town of Wolfeboro.]
[Adopted 12-18-1996]
Consistent with the provisions of state law and federal management standards, the Town of Wolfeboro has adopted the following code of ethical conduct for public officials, employees and/or affected contractors. The policies and principles described below are intended to cover all aspects of the CDBG program, whether specifically cited or otherwise.
Goods and services shall be procured in a manner which maximizes free and open competition.
Officers and employees shall not participate in any decision concerning matters in which they have a financial interest.
Conflicts of interest, or the appearance of such, shall be avoided in order to assure public confidence in the operations of government.
Every effort will be made to actively recruit women/minority-owned businesses and to provide opportunities for local residents and businesses, consistent with Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968.
All procurement actions shall be conducted in public and all records related thereto will be open to public review.