[Adopted 4-4-1990 by the Board of Selectmen]
From and after the effective date on this article, it shall be unlawful for any person, partnership or corporation to haul, transport or cause to be transported by vehicle with gross weight in excess of 10 tons any material over posted Class V roads so noticed due to spring thaw or other road surface or structure conditions as deemed necessary.
All Town roads will be considered restricted, with the following exceptions:
Streets within the urban built-up areas not otherwise posted.
This restriction shall not apply to emergency vehicles.
The Town Manager is hereby delegated the authority to administer said posting and exceptions for vehicles over 10 tons based on specific requests for routing on specified ways when conditions are deemed appropriate.
Whoever shall fail to comply with the provisions of this article shall be guilty of a violation and subject to a fine of $500. For the purpose of this article, each load hauled, transported or moved over noticed Town roads shall be deemed a separate violation.
This article shall become effective upon adoption by the Board of Selectmen and upon recording an attested copy by Town Clerk.
A list of Class V roads affected shall be published in a newspaper of local origin prior to the posting of such roads.
Upon adoption, this article will supersede any prior ordinance regarding posting of Class V roads.