The following activities are specifically exempt from this chapter:
Land disturbance associated with single-family dwellings on an existing lot, where no construction requiring a building permit is required.
The use of land for gardening primarily for home consumption.
The disturbance of not more than 5,000 square feet of surface area of land for the accommodation of construction for which the Standard Building Code of the State of New Jersey would require a building permit, except that the construction of a single-family dwelling unit shall be exempt unless such unit is part of a proposed subdivision, site plan, conditional use, zoning variance, planned development or building permit application involving two or more single-family dwelling units. (See the definition of "project.")
The agricultural use of lands when operated in accordance with a farm conservation plan approved by the local soil conservation district or when it is determined by the local soil conservation district that such use will not cause excessive erosion and sedimentation.