The Township of Hillsborough will provide snow
removal, cindering, sanding and salting services on those streets
hereinbefore mentioned, out of consideration for public health, welfare
and safety.
The Township Committee is hereby authorized
to obtain the services of independent contractors when it deems the
same is necessary to provide snow removal, cindering, sanding and
salting services on the streets aforesaid when proper snow removal, cindering, sanding and salting
services have not been performed within a reasonable period of time
by the subdivider responsible therefor.
The cost of said snow removal, cindering, sanding
and salting services, whether incurred by expenditure to independent
contractor or incurred as a result of the use of Township vehicles,
personnel and material, shall be immediately billed to the subdivider
responsible for said snow removal, cindering, sanding and salting
services, and in the event said bill is not paid within 30 days from
its transmittal, it shall become a lien upon the real property owned
by said subdivider within the municipality.
Nothing in this article shall constitute, nor
does the Township intend to imply by this article, acceptance of the
dedicated streets which have not as of this time been accepted in
the subdivision in which the aforesaid streets are located.