As used in this Article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any amusement machine or device operated by means of the insertion of a coin, token or similar object for the purpose of amusement or skill, and for the playing of which a fee is charged. Also included within this definition are coin-operated mechanical or electronic musical devices which are commonly referred to as "jukeboxes."
Any person, firm, corporation, partnership or association who sets up for operation by another any device as herein defined, whether such setting up for operation, leasing or distributing is for a fixed charge or retail, or on the basis of a division of the income derived from such device, or otherwise.
Any premises having nine (9) or more mechanical amusement devices.
Any person, firm, corporation, partnership, association or club who, as the owner, lessee or proprietor, has under his or its control any establishment, place or premises in or at which such device is placed or kept for use or play or is on exhibition for the purpose of use or play.
No person, firm or corporation shall engage in the business of a distributor or proprietor of coin-operated amusement devices, as the terms are herein defined, without first having obtained the proper license therefor.
No proprietor's license shall be granted for more than eight (8) devices in any one (1) establishment unless the applicant has first obtained site plan approval.
License fees collected hereunder are for the control and regulation of coin-operated amusement devices and premises in or on which such devices are used or played, including the administration and processing of license applications and the issuance of licenses required hereunder and for inspections to ensure licensee compliance with all township ordinances, codes and other applicable laws.
Fees enumerated.
The annual license fees for proprietors of a game room as defined herein shall be as follows:
Application fee of five hundred dollars ($500.), which includes the first eight (8) devices.
Forty dollars ($40.) for each additional device used or played or exhibited for use or play.
The annual license fees for all other proprietors or distributors as defined herein shall be as follows:
Application fee of two hundred seventy-five dollars ($275.), which includes one (1) device.
Forty dollars ($40.) for each additional device used or played or exhibited for use or play.
All license fees shall be payable annually in advance and shall accompany the application, provided that where application is made after the expiration of any portion of any license year, a license may be issued for the remainder thereof upon payment of a proportionate part of the annual fee.
All licenses shall expire on the 31st day of December of each year.
The provisions of this Article requiring license fees shall not apply to any church, fraternal or veterans organizations or other religious, charitable or nonprofit organization which operates a coin-operated amusement device exclusively for the use of its members and their guests and on premises owned or controlled by it.
Each application for a license hereunder shall be filed with the Clerk in duplicate and shall specify:
The name, address, social security number and telephone number of the applicant and, if a firm, corporation, partnership or association, the principal officers thereof and their addresses, social security numbers and telephone numbers.
The address of the premises where the licensed device or devices are to be operated, together with the character of the business as carried on at such place.
The name, address and social security number of the registered agent of the applicant upon whom service of process is authorized to be made.
The name, address, social security number and telephone number of the manager of the applicant who shall be in charge of the applicant's business in Lopatcong Township.
With respect to each person whose name appears on the application:
The fact of conviction in any jurisdiction of any offense which under the laws of New Jersey is denominated a misdemeanor, a high misdemeanor or an offense involving moral turpitude, with a full disclosure of the nature of the offense, time and place of commission, legal proceedings and penalty imposed.
Each such person shall voluntarily submit to the taking of his fingerprints, so that a proper investigation will be expedited.
The trade name and general description of the device or devices to be licensed, the name of the manufacturer and the serial number of each such device.
The application shall contain a certification under oath, made by the applicant, that the information contained in the application is complete, accurate and truthful to the best of his knowledge and belief.
The Clerk shall promptly forward a copy of the application to the Chief of Police and the Construction Official for investigation, review and reports.
The purpose of this investigation shall be to establish that the applicant is capable of conducting the proposed business of distributing or operating amusement devices within the township in a manner consistent with the public safety, good morals and general welfare of the community and that all those persons involved in such business can reasonably be expected to operate the proposed business in accordance with law and free from gambling and other illegal or immoral conduct and unwarranted noise and commotion.
No proprietor's license shall be granted unless the licensed premises shall meet all requirements of the fire, housing, building, sanitary, electrical and plumbing codes of the township.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 93, Construction Codes, Uniform.
If the applicant is approved, the license shall be issued by the Clerk, and the fee shall be remitted to the Township Treasurer.
If the license is denied, seventy-five percent (75%) of the fee shall be returned to the applicant, the balance going to offset the costs of the investigation. The grounds for denial shall be set forth in writing. The applicant shall be entitled to a hearing within thirty (30) days of the denial of the license, at which time he may submit pertinent information on his behalf. The applicant shall be given ten (10) days' notice of the date of such hearing.
Any proprietor who owns such device or devices at the time this chapter becomes effective shall file with the Clerk evidence of such ownership prior to the issuance of a license.
Any proprietor purchasing a device or devices after the effective date of this chapter shall file with the Clerk evidence of ownership thereof before exhibiting or placing said device or devices for use or play.
In the case of proprietors, the license shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the establishment of the licensee.
In the case of distributors, the license number assigned to each device shall be permanently affixed to said device so that it can be easily ascertained.
All licenses shall be nonassignable and nontransferable.
No proprietor holding a license to operate coin-operated amusement devices shall permit a person under sixteen (16) years of age to play or operate a coin-operated amusement device, unless such person is accompanied by his parent or legal guardian. This limitation shall not apply to the use of jukeboxes or to the use of mechanical carousel horses or similar amusement devices designed especially for the amusement of children.
The proprietor shall not permit any person to bet or gamble on the licensed premises.
The proprietor shall at all times maintain good order and shall not permit any disturbance, congestion or loitering upon the licensed premises.
No music machine shall be operated in a manner to be heard out of doors.
No licensed premises shall be without adequate sanitary facilities nor contain any fire, safety or health hazard.
Each distributor and proprietor shall, within five (5) days, report in writing to the Clerk any change by addition or deletion of the information furnished on the license application during the term of any license or renewal thereof.
No distributor or proprietor shall refuse to cooperate fully with the Clerk and any law enforcement officer or agency.
All licenses that are duly in force at the time this chapter is adopted shall continue in full force and effect until the expiration date of each such license, after which application for renewal shall be made under this Article.
All members of the Township Police Department, including special officers, are authorized to enforce the provisions of this Article.
Every license issued hereunder is subject to revocation by the Clerk for the violation of any of the provisions of this Article. Any material misstated or omitted in the license application shall constitute grounds for revocation. The revocation shall occur only after a hearing.
The licensee shall be given ten (10) days' notice of the date of such hearing, and such notice shall state the grounds therefor. At such hearing, the licensee may submit pertinent information on his own behalf.
Any person who violates any provision of this Article shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000.) or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding ninety (90) days, or both. A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.