The required land improvements shall be designed, furnished and installed by the developer in accordance with the provisions of these regulations, Appendix A, Improvements Construction Standards, which shall be considered a part hereof,[1] and other codes of the Township. They shall be installed before the final plan is approved, or in lieu thereof, financial security shall be posted and agreements to install improvements shall be approved concurrent with the approval of final plans.
Editor's Note: Appendix A is included at the end of this chapter.
The developer shall dedicate all land required for rights-of-way within the subdivision and land development and furnish and install all improvements to provide a complete and coordinated system of streets and utilities for the neighborhood in accordance with the Township Comprehensive Plan,[2] the Township Official Map[3], Chapter 180, Zoning, this chapter and neighboring approved developments.
Editor's Note: Said plan is on file in the Township offices.
Editor's Note: See also Ch. 32, Official Map.
All improvements shall be dedicated without cost to the Township, as required by this chapter and/or as stipulated in the improvements agreement and in a manner approved by the Township consistent with sound construction methods. This includes the following:
Grading, including the following:
Grading of road or street rights-of-way and grading of slopes adjacent to the existing and proposed road or street rights-of-way.
Grading of all drainage swales or basins on public or private property and grading of individual lots to effect positive drainage away from buildings and/or building sites and eliminate low spots (except for vernal ponds and/or low spots approved by the Township).
Implementation of soil erosion control and sedimentation control facilities.
Replacement of topsoil and vegetative restoration in disturbed areas not stabilized with building, paving or other nonvegetative ground cover.
Removal of temporary soil erosion and sedimentation control facilities when they are no longer required.
Street or road subbase, base and paving, for widened portions of existing roads and/or proposed roads.
Curbs and gutters along existing and proposed roads.
Sidewalks, crosswalks, pathways and bike paths.
Underground facilities for electric, telephone and television cable lines.
Storm sewers and drainage control facilities (public or private).
A public or centralized sanitary sewer system, including but not limited to sanitary sewer laterals, submains, mains, pump stations (if required) and a treatment plant (if required).
A public or centralized water supply and distribution system, including but not limited to wells, pumping equipment, water laterals, submains, storage tanks and treatment systems (if required).
Street name signs at all street intersections and official traffic control signs and markings.
Permanent monuments and lot pins.
Fire hydrants.
Street trees and landscaping.
Open space improvements and/or recreational facilities and buffer or screen plantings.
The developer shall construct and install, at no expense to the Township, the improvements specified in this chapter. Construction and installation of such facilities and utilities shall be subject to inspection by appropriate Township, public agency or public utility officials during the progress of the work and shall be in conformance with Appendix A, Improvements Construction Standards, of this chapter.[1]
Editor's Note: Appendix A is included at the end of this chapter.
The following principles of subdivision and land development, general requirements and the minimum standards of design shall be observed by the developer in all instances:
Compliance with ordinances, statutes, regulations. It is the developer's responsibility to comply with all applicable plans, ordinances, statutes, regulations, etc., of the Township of Lower Saucon, the Lower Saucon Authority, the County of Northampton, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the United States of America, including but not limited to Appendix A, the Improvements Construction Standard,[1] of this chapter.
Editor's Note: Appendix A is included at the end of this chapter.
Coordination. Proposed subdivisions and land development shall be coordinated with the existing nearby development so that the area as a whole may develop harmoniously. Provision shall be made to assure that the street patterns included in a proposed subdivision shall complement the existing or proposed streets, walkways or bikeways, and open space and recreation areas shown on the current Comprehensive Plan[2] and Official Township Street and Road Map and on nearby approved developments.
Editor's Note: Said plan is on file in the Township offices.
Standards incorporated in this chapter. In those cases where precise design standards are not specified in this chapter, design standards of the following organizations shall apply:
Roads and streets: the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.
Sanitary sewer: the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and the Township authorities.
Water: the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, the American Public Works Association and the Township authorities.
Soil and erosion control: the Northampton County Soil Conservation District and the Department of Environmental Protection.
General engineering: the American Society of Civil Engineers.