[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Chittenango 12-17-1991 by L.L. No. 8-1991. Amendments noted where applicable.]
It is the purpose of this chapter to provide by local law for the continuity of government in the event of disaster and emergency conditions when the Mayor of the village is unable to discharge his powers and duties or is absent from the political subdivision. Authority for the enactment of this chapter of the Village Code is provided by Executive Law § 27, and this chapter is enacted specifically pursuant to such statute.
The Mayor of the Village of Chittenango has the power to declare emergencies as provided in § 24 of the Executive Law. In the event of the absence, death or disability of the Mayor and in the event of disaster and national emergency conditions, the Deputy Mayor is delegated all the powers and authority of the Mayor. In the event of the death, disability or absence of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, the senior member of the Board of Trustees, in order of seniority by date of election by the voters of the Village of Chittenango, shall be empowered to exercise the powers and authority of the Mayor of the Village of Chittenango.
If the responsibilities of the Mayor in the event of emergency disaster shall fall upon one of two Trustees who have both been in office the same length of time, then the oldest Trustee by age is hereby designated to be the Trustee of greatest seniority for purposes of carrying out executive functions as provided. under § 24 of the Executive Law.
In the event of the death, disability or absence of all Trustees of the Village of Chittenango as well as the Mayor, then the Chief of the Village of Chittenango Volunteer Fire Department is hereby delegated the powers and authority conferred upon the Mayor under § 24 of the Executive Law.
In the event of the death, disability or absence from the jurisdiction of the Mayor, the Deputy Mayor, all members of the Board of Trustees and the Chief of the Chittenango Volunteer Fire Department and in the simultaneous event of disaster or emergency conditions, the authority and power granted the Mayor under § 24 of the Executive Law is conferred upon the Commissioner of Public Safety.