[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Greene 7-11-1988. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The Village Board does confer the benefits of § 18 of the Public Officers Law of the State of New York upon the officers and employees of the Village of Greene in amounts as follows:
The Village shall pay any amount termed a deductible in any insurance policy covering errors and omissions of officers and employees.
The Village shall pay for the defense of an officer or employee in any civil action or proceeding, state or federal, arising out of any alleged act or omission which occurred or allegedly occurred while the employee was acting within the scope of his public employment or duties which is not covered by any applicable insurance coverage.
The Village will indemnify and save harmless its employees, in the event that there is not errors and omissions insurance coverage, for any judgment up to the sum of $25,000, whether obtained in any state or federal court or by settlement, provided that:
The error or omission alleged is one normally covered by an errors and omission policy.
The employee was acting within the scope of his employment.
The employee complies with all the provisions of § 18 of the Public Officers Law.
Nothing herein contained is intended to replace or will replace any benefits contained in an insurance policy in force, whether obtained by the Village or the individual involved.
Said Village of Greene will hereafter be held liable for the costs incurred under the provision of § 18 of the Public Officers Law, as modified above.