[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Greene: Art. I, 1-15-1935; Art. II, 5-4-1948. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 1-15-1935]
No Fire Department apparatus shall be sent beyond the territorial limits of the Village of Greene and the territorial limits of the Fire District of the Town of Greene to assist at a fire or for any other purpose except by order of the Chief or Acting Chief of the Fire Department and subject to the restrictions and conditions hereinafter set forth.
The Chief or Acting Chief of the Fire Department of the Village of Greene, New York, is authorized, in his discretion, to aid in the extinguishing of fires in another incorporated Village, town, hamlet, fire district, territory or public institution or on property immediately adjacent to the Village of Greene in which there is a possibility of fire spreading within the Village limits under the following conditions:
A request from the incorporated Village, town, hamlet, fire district, territory or public institution must come only from such person or persons as may be duly designated by the governing body of such incorporated Village, town, hamlet, fire district, territory or public institution, and such designee must be agreed to by the Chief of the Fire Department of the Village of Greene, and a copy of such designation must be filed in the office of the Chief of the Fire Department of the Village of Greene, New York.
Calls may be responded to only by such apparatus which, in the judgment of said Fire Chief, can be safely sent without unduly impairing the fire apparatus or service within the Village or within the Fire District of the Town of Greene and when highways and weather conditions are favorable.
The incorporated Village, town, hamlet, fire district, territory or public institution requesting assistance must pay the charge of apparatus and service hereinafter provided, unless there exists a mutual aid agreement.
The incorporated Village, town, hamlet, fire district, territory or public institution must compensate the Village of Greene in any loss or damage to such apparatus while answering such call, working at such fires or returning from such call and be responsible to the members of the Fire Department of the Village of Greene, New York, for any injuries suffered or incurred by them by responding to such call, while working at such fire or returning therefrom.
Unless there exists a mutual aid agreement, every incorporated Village, town, hamlet, fire district, territory or public institution requesting the service of the Fire Department of the Village of Greene, New York, shall pay for such service any loss or damage to the fire apparatus of the Village of Greene, together with the expense incurred in the operation of such fire apparatus and equipment in connection with such call.
[Adopted 5-4-1948]
The Village of Greene, New York, pursuant to § 50 of the Workers' Compensation Law of the State of New York, does hereby elect to participate with the County of Chenango, State of New York, for the payment of compensation as to Volunteer Firemen of the Village of Greene, New York, to the limits fixed by § 205 of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York.