[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Greene at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Noise — See Ch. 75.
Peddling and soliciting — See Ch. 81.
Streets and sidewalks — See Ch. 105.
This chapter is enacted by the Village to regulate the methods and manner of sale, location, time, items and persons who may sell items on the sidewalk market in order to promote peace, harmony, health, safety and good order in the Village of Greene.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Persons who raise/grow their own products upon land leased or owned by themselves in a noncommercial setting.
Commercial farmers selling products, other than their principal farm crop, which was raised/grown upon land leased or owned by themselves, i.e., a dairy farmer selling vegetables.
Persons who crafted items in a noncommercial/man-ufacturing setting.
A public market is hereby established for producers along both sides of Genesee Street from the west side of Monell Street extended to the western end of the business district, as described in Chapter 125, Zoning, except that no sales shall be made from the center of Genesee Street or Memorial Park.
Any producer/person desiring to sell produce shall file with the Village Clerk a statement setting forth what, where and when items will be sold, the responsible person to contact and that permission has been obtained from the adjoining business/property owner.
The market is hereby declared to be for the sale of, but not limited to, poultry, fish, butter, eggs, fruit, farm produce, vegetables, home-baked goods and handcrafted items made or grown by a producer.
Said items shall be raised, handcrafted, home-baked or grown within the area encompassing the Greene Central School District boundaries.
Said market is not intended for resale of items purchased from others or for flea-market-type sales.
Said market shall be open between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
It shall be unlawful for any producer to permit his or her area to become in an unclean or unsanitary condition.
No person shall throw or leave remaining any garbage, offal, filth or rubbish in any area of the sidewalk.
No person at said market shall be permitted to solicit trade by outcry or by hawking in a loud or boisterous manner.
Every person occupying a stand in said market shall have his or her name plainly written thereon in such a position as to be seen and read by purchasers.
No person shall sell or offer for sale any unwholesome, damaged or spoiled produce of any kind in said market.
No person shall represent as homegrown any article or articles offered for sale in said market which have been raised or produced elsewhere and shipped to said market.
All equipment (i.e., tables, stands, displays, etc.) must be removed at the end of the sales day.
The Village Board retains the right to suspend the operation of the sidewalk market to accommodate Village functions (craft fairs, parades, etc.).
Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter shall be punished by a maximum fine of $250 or a term of imprisonment not to exceed 15 days in jail, or both.